Category Archives: Public Relations

Public Relations Committee maintains the CALL Website and Discussion forum; evaluates and recommends changes for improvements; uses a variety of methods to inform the legal and library communities about CALL, and law librarianship including submitting membership and other CALL news to AALL, and other appropriate organizations, and taking photos at CALL events. Coordinates and plans, with the Vice President/President-Elect, the CALL activities table display in the exhibit hall at the AALL Annual Meeting.

Public Relations Committee Annual Report 2023-24


Eugene Giudice


includes Jesse Bowman


The committee was fairly inactive in the 2023-24 CALL year except for periodic updates to the CALL website for events like CALL meetings and meet-ups.

Eugene would especially like to thank Jesse Bowman for his continued stewardship of the CALL website, including all updates during the 2023-24 season.

Recommendations for the forthcoming year

The committee recommends to the CALL board that the charge of the Public Relations Committee be reviewed such that it can be better utilized as a resource for all CALL committees and a more effective external voice for CALL.

CALL Public Relations Committee 2021-2022 Annual Report

Chair: Sarah Walangitan

Interim Chair (January – March 2022): Shari Berkowitz Duff

Members: Jesse Bowman, Lyo Louis-Jacques, Kristina DeGuzman

Board Liaison: Scott Vanderlin

Committee Charge: Public Relations Committee maintains the CALL Website and Discussion forum; evaluates and recommends changes for improvements; uses a variety of methods to inform the legal and library communities about CALL, and law librarianship including submitting membership and other CALL news to AALL, and other appropriate organizations, and taking photos at CALL events. Coordinates and plans, with the Vice President/President-Elect, the CALL activities table display in the exhibit hall at the AALL Annual Meeting. Continue reading CALL Public Relations Committee 2021-2022 Annual Report

CALL Public Relations Committee 2019-2020 Annual Report

In 2019-2020, the CALL Public Relations Committee had the following members: Shari Berkowitz Duff, Debbie Ginsberg, Lyonette Louis-Jacques (Chair), Sharon Nelson, and Debbie Rusin. Jesse Bowman served as CALL Board Liaison. The PR Committee had an introductory meeting on September 5, 2019 via Zoom. The Chair met with the CALL Board on November 12, 2019, via conference call to speak about the Committee’s public relations-related plans for the upcoming year. During the year, the PR Committee promoted and announced CALL business meetings, CALL Chapter and AALL award winners, and other activities via social media – Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn., and supported the work of other CALL committees.

Continue reading CALL Public Relations Committee 2019-2020 Annual Report

CALL Public Relations Committee 2018-2019 Annual Report


Jesse Bowman,


  • Sharon Nelson,
  • Donna Tuke,


  • Lyonette Louis-Jacques
  • Shari Berkowitz Duff
  • Matt Timko
  • Debbie Ginsberg

Social Media Accounts:

CALL Public Relations Committee 2017-2018 Annual Report

During the 2017-2018 business year, Donna Tuke and Jesse Bowman served as co-chairs of Public Relations Committee. In these roles, Donna and Jesse primarily promoted CALL events via the CALL website, Facebook, and Twitter. Moreover, using the CALL Twitter account, Donna actively re-Tweeted stories of interest to legal information professionals. Continue reading CALL Public Relations Committee 2017-2018 Annual Report

Public Relations Committee Annual Report

The 2016-2017 was comprised of Joanne Kiley (chair), Deborah Ginsberg, Sean Rebstock, Emily Barney, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Donna Tuke, Scott Vanderlin, and Sharon L. Nelson.


The Public Relations Committee maintained its presence on social media. Actions included live tweeting at each CALL Business Meeting, including capturing photos of the guest speakers, thanking sponsors, and collecting key highlights from the guest speakers’ speeches. The Committee tweeted announcements about events, as well as opportunities for advocacy and continuing education. Lyo Louis-Jacques also posted announcements on CALL’s Facebook page and re-tweeted the live tweeting at CALL Business meetings. The Committee announced the publication and availability of the issues of the CALL Bulletin on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Continue reading Public Relations Committee Annual Report

Public Relations Committee 2016 Annual Report

The 2015-2016 Public Relations Committee was Deborah Ginsberg, Sean Rebstock, and Beth Schubert (co-chairs), Emily Barney, Britnee Cole, Ella Delaney, Debbie Ginsberg, Carolyn Hersch, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Joanne Kiley, David Pauwels, Scott Vanderlin, and Sharon L. Nelson.

Continue reading Public Relations Committee 2016 Annual Report