On May 18, 2022, AALL President (now Immediate Past President), Diane Rodriguez, in Chicago for work, spent half a day with CALL members Scott Vanderlin, Carrie Port, Jean Wenger, and Mandy Lee. The visit included a tour Wrigley Field, led by Chicago-Kent Professor Ron Gieseke, and joined by some Chicago-Kent LL.M. students and alumni. Continue reading AALL Past President Diane Rodriguez visits Chicago!
Tag Archives: AALL
AALL Management Institute
I would like to thank the PLLIP-SIS for a grant to attend the AALL Management Institute! Attending the management institute has been a goal of mine, so I was happy for the opportunity. The institute was held virtually on March 23-24, 2021.
This year’s institute focused on managing remote and hybrid working environments, training on implicit bias, inclusive decision making, management and leadership responsibilities of managers and improving conflict and professional development planning.
AALL was able to focus the management institute on core principals as well as topics that are vital to everyone, including diversity and inclusion initiatives and workplace changes in the times of COVID. Continue reading AALL Management Institute
Another Successful AALL Lobby Day and Rewarding CALL Participation – July 12, 2019
“…[A] government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” – Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address
Whenever I think I’m quite impossibly too busy to add another conference or professional development item to my “to do” task list, I am pleasantly reminded of how rewarding it is to continue to engage with all of the tremendously talented members of CALL/AALL and dig deeper with expansion of professional experiences. AALL Lobby Day 2019 in D.C. was a perfect example of an extremely worthy and rewarding event.
Continue reading Another Successful AALL Lobby Day and Rewarding CALL Participation – July 12, 2019
A Gavel and Our Connections to History
Renovations can uncover many surprises – some unexpected, some forgettable, and then some with historical significance. A renovation at the Cook County Law Library (CCLL) uncovered all three of the above. However, one surprise led me on a quest into the history of CALL and AALL. Continue reading A Gavel and Our Connections to History
May 2018 Business Meeting Roundup
The meeting was held at Wildfire (159 W. Erie Street) on Thursday May 10, 2018.
CALL President Clare Willis opened the meeting by welcoming the membership. There were 76 attendees at the meeting. Clare also summarized everything that CALL accomplished this past year: CALL awarded $5000 in grants, posted 17 positions, advocated for preserving net neutrality, established a professional development task force, hosted several continuing education events, and raised $1100 for local service organizations. She also mentioned that the Strategic Planning Committee was still working on a plan, but that the Board recently approved the committee’s proposed new mission statement: “CALL supports legal information professionals through advocacy, education, and engagement.” Clare also introduced and thanked the meeting sponsor, Wolters Kluwer. Continue reading May 2018 Business Meeting Roundup
Sixty Tech Tips at MAALL Joint Meeting
Modeled on the 60 tips in 60 minutes presentations we’ve attended at the end of the annual ABA TechShow each year, Debbie Ginsberg and I created a round-up of our favorite websites, tips, apps, browser extensions and more.
We hope you find helpful tips for your work below, whether they match your routine tasks or an new project in an area that’s new to you–from accessibility to graphic design to Microsoft Office and social media, we covered a wide range of topics.
Want to browse quickly? Here’s the full list of tips, organized by topic with links! Continue reading Sixty Tech Tips at MAALL Joint Meeting
We Have Met the Leader and He Is Us: Recommending the AALL Leadership Academy and Reflecting on Lessons Learned
In early April, I had the privilege of attending the American Association of Law Libraries’ Leadership Academy. The most profound and interesting takeaway from the conference was the idea that we can all be leaders, even if we are not the boss.
President’s Letter
Dear Colleagues,
Another year for CALL has ended and a new Board will take over soon. It has been a great honor being your President and working with so many of you to ensure that CALL provides value to its members. Thank you for your support this past year!
CALL’s success is due to the dedication and commitment of so many of our members. I would like to thank the Executive Board members (Margaret Schilt, Todd Ito, Diana Koppang, Stephanie Crawford, Robert Martin, and Konya Moss) for their time and dedication to CALL. These 6 amazing people are true leaders and great representatives for CALL. Continue reading President’s Letter
AALL Chapter & SIS Publications
As a co-editor of the CALL Bulletin, I often get e-mails from the Council of Newsletter Editors (CONE) regarding AALL chapter newsletters that have recently become published. After reading the newsletters of other chapters, I began wondering if there was a list of all the chapter publications. I could not find one, so I decided to create one. I wanted to easily share with everyone the great content that our fellow chapters and AALL Special Interest Sections (SISes) are putting out for us to enjoy and learn from. It is really inspiring to share in such a wonderful and thought-provoking community! When you have some time, check out the newsletters and blogs of our peers. Enjoy! Continue reading AALL Chapter & SIS Publications
AALL Honors CALL’s Judith Wright with 2016 Gallagher Award
CALL is thrilled to announce that Judith M. Wright, who directed the D’Angelo Law Library of the University of Chicago for over thirty years, will receive the 2016 Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award by the American Association of Law Libraries. Ms. Wright will be recognized at the AALL Annual Meeting in Chicago this summer.
Continue reading AALL Honors CALL’s Judith Wright with 2016 Gallagher Award
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