Public Relations Committee Annual Report

The 2016-2017 was comprised of Joanne Kiley (chair), Deborah Ginsberg, Sean Rebstock, Emily Barney, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Donna Tuke, Scott Vanderlin, and Sharon L. Nelson.


The Public Relations Committee maintained its presence on social media. Actions included live tweeting at each CALL Business Meeting, including capturing photos of the guest speakers, thanking sponsors, and collecting key highlights from the guest speakers’ speeches. The Committee tweeted announcements about events, as well as opportunities for advocacy and continuing education. Lyo Louis-Jacques also posted announcements on CALL’s Facebook page and re-tweeted the live tweeting at CALL Business meetings. The Committee announced the publication and availability of the issues of the CALL Bulletin on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

The Committee moved the CALL website and the CALL Bulletin from Jumpsite to Flywheel. This endeavor was spearheaded and largely completed by Debbie Ginsberg. Joanne Kiley and Donna Tuke assisted by checking site content and function to make certain that nothing was lost in the transition from Jumpsite to Flywheel.  This move was made because some members were unable to access the CALL website when it was hosted on Jumpsite and because Jumpsite did not provide enough support.

The Committee also encouraged people (unsuccessfully) to write about the work of their community and share it on the CALL website home page, which is in blog format. The intention was to add fresher content to the CALL website home page on a consistent basis. The Committee hopes this is something that can be remedied in the future.

Sean Rebstock, Joanne Kiley, and Debbie Ginsberg performed administrative work helping people with access to the listserv at various times throughout the year.

Once again, Scott Vanderlin did a great job with the CALL display at AALL in Austin. He incorporated some content from the 70th anniversary.

Things we wanted to accomplish and may be worthwhile in the future:

The Committee discussed developing some best practices for using passwords to social media, the WordPress site, and other tools.