Category Archives: Summer 2019

UELMA Update: An Interview with Jacob Jost, Illinois Supreme Court Reporter of Decisions

Five years ago, the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act (UELMA) was signed into Illinois law. Our state was the 11th one to enact this uniform law; at this point it has been enacted in 21 states (Texas, most recently) plus the District of Columbia.

Starting in 2016, the official online versions of Illinois Supreme and Appellate Court opinions have been affixed with a digital signature. These signatures are administered by the Reporter of Decisions and certify that the opinion is a true copy of the official opinion.

Continue reading UELMA Update: An Interview with Jacob Jost, Illinois Supreme Court Reporter of Decisions

Keith Ann Stiverson Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Keith Ann Stiverson with 2019 CALL Lifetime Achievement Award
Keith Ann Stiverson receives 2019 CALL Lifetime Achievement Award

The Chicago Association of Law Libraries honors Keith Ann Stiversion with the 2019 Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship Award.

When Keith Ann retired in 2018, it marked the end of a decades-long career that spanned roles, geography, and countless revolutions in the way information is distributed.  

Through it all, Keith has remained, as the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin once described her, in a turn of phrase that made all of us cringe, “One librarian who doesn’t keep quiet.”  We are all fortunate that she didn’t keep quiet, and we should now raise our own voices to thank her for that service. Continue reading Keith Ann Stiverson Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

CALL Archives Committee 2018-2019 Annual Report

The 2018-2019 CALL Archives Committee was comprised of Committee co-chairs Matt Timko and Brittany Adams, as well as Committee members Anne Danberg, Pat Sayre-McCoy, and Clanitra Stewart Nejdl. Board Member Annie Mentkowski served as liaison.

The main effort and accomplishment of the Committee for this year was relocating the Archives from Northern Illinois University, which is more than 60 miles away from CALL/ABA Headquarters, to a more centralized location in the city. Continue reading CALL Archives Committee 2018-2019 Annual Report

Letter from Editors

In this final issue of the 2018-2019 CALL session, we take the time to consider our accomplishments as a community and what we hope to achieve in the 2019-2020 session. Each of our 14 committees submitted their reports. This year our committees introduced seasonal happy hours, sponsored or co-sponsored six educational presentations, relocated our archives, revised Article IV of our bylaws, and more!  Looking forward, Jessie LeMar, president of CALL, provides words of encouragement heading into the 2019-2020 session.

We also congratulate the recipients of our annual awards: Julie Pabarja, Margaret Schilt, Keith Ann Stiverson, and Chapman & Culter.

Finally, we hear from Heidi Kuehl about the AALL Day of Advocacy, and Sarah Sherman interviews Jacob Jost from the Illinois Supreme Court on recent updates to UELMA.

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – May 2019

AALL Headquarters,
105 W. Adams St., Suite 3300 (enter on Clark St.)
May 7, 2019 9:00 a.m.

Board Members Present: Joe Mitzenmacher, Jessie LeMar, Clare Willis, Julie Swanson, and Annie Mentkowski

 Board Members Absent: Scott Vanderlin and Jesse Bowman

 Significant Actions: The Board approved the strategic plan submitted by Strategic Planning Chair Jean Wenger.

Guests: In-coming Board members Lindsey Carpino, Megan Butman, and Philip Johnson; Strategic Plan Chair Jean Wenger; and Scott Burgh

 Treasurer’s Report (Section IV):

  1. Harris Bank Balance as of May 6, 2019: $8,524.80
  2. Net Income as of May 6, 2019: $0
  3. Membership numbers as of May 6, 2019, 2019: 242

Chapman & Cutler wins In-House Publication Award

The winner of this year’s award for outstanding in-house publication is the Chapman & Cutler Research Services team.  

They used a graphic of a book flipping open into a computer that was created by the firm’s marketing department and adapted it to make promotional logos for their events and newsletters.  They made attractive, professional-looking signs.

The Grants and Awards committee was especially impressed with their big Bingo card. Attorneys could complete some of the basic research and library tasks on the card to try to earn Bingo. Continue reading Chapman & Cutler wins In-House Publication Award

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – June 2019

AALL Headquarters
105 W. Adams St., Suite 3300 (enter on Clark St.)
June 11, 2019 9:00 a.m.

Board Members Present: Jessie LeMar, Lindsey Carpino, Joe Mitzenmacher, Julie Swanson, Jessie Bowman, Megan Butman, and Philip Johnson. 

Board Members Absent: None

Significant Actions: The board voted to adopt NeonCRM as the platform to manage the website, directory, and meeting registration. This will replace Wild Apricot and Survey Monkey.

Guests: Clare Willis, head of the task force to investigate NeonCRM, by phone.

Treasurer’s Report (Section IV):

  1. Harris Bank Balance as of June 10, 2019: $9,872.79
  2. Net Income as of June 10, 2019: $1,911.00
  3. Membership numbers as of June 10, 2019, 2019: 265

Another Successful AALL Lobby Day and Rewarding CALL Participation – July 12, 2019

“…[A] government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  – Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

Heidi Kuehl at the Committee on Foreign Affairs office in Congress for AALL Lobby Day

Whenever I think I’m quite impossibly too busy to add another conference or professional development item to my “to do” task list, I am pleasantly reminded of how rewarding it is to continue to engage with all of the tremendously talented members of CALL/AALL and dig deeper with expansion of professional experiences.  AALL Lobby Day 2019 in D.C. was a perfect example of an extremely worthy and rewarding event.

Continue reading Another Successful AALL Lobby Day and Rewarding CALL Participation – July 12, 2019

May 2019 Business Meeting with Marlon Lutifiyya

On May 9, 2019, CALL hosted our Business Meeting at  Petterino’s with Marlon Lutifiyya, Director of Talent and Diversity at Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP, who spoke about diversity and inclusion in the legal community.


Alan Fanger of Empower Legal and John Wiora of ktMINE, both sponsored this meeting and shared information about the unique legal tools their companies provide.

Continue reading May 2019 Business Meeting with Marlon Lutifiyya

Margaret Schilt Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

The Chicago Association of Law Libraries honors Margaret Schilt with the 2019 Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship Award.

Margaret Schilt is retiring this June after 19 years as a librarian at the D’ Angelo Law Library at the University of Chicago.  The Lifetime Achievement Award is a fitting tribute to her career of active and engaged service to our profession. Continue reading Margaret Schilt Receives Lifetime Achievement Award