Category Archives: Continuing Education

The Continuing Education Committee plans and presents educational programs each year. Members may work with other CALL committees on program planning.

Continuing Education Program: Demystifying Leadership and Volunteering in CALL.

On Wednesday, November 20, the Mentorship and Career Development Committee hosted an online panel entitled Demystifying Leadership and Volunteering in CALL. This Continuing Education Program sought to inspire members to step into leadership roles within the organization and offered practical advice for navigating CALL’s opportunities.

Panelists featured CALL members with a variety of leadership experience within the organization:

Continue reading Continuing Education Program: Demystifying Leadership and Volunteering in CALL.

Continuing Education Committee Annual Report 2023-2024

The Continuing Education Committee had another successful year, sponsoring three presentations during the 2023-24 CALL year. The committee tried to identify topics that would interest all of our members, whether they work for private law firms, academic institutions, or courts or government agencies. Following a practice that began during the pandemic, all three presentations were webinars held over Zoom:

All of our presentations this year garnered immense interest and were well-attended by our CALL Members.

This year’s programs were all recorded and made available on the CALL website. The committee used Zoom to create webinar invites, host the programs, and record the programs.  The cloud storage in Zoom became a concern as we were at about 98% usage.  Shari brought this to the attention of the Board, and they began looking at a number of solutions for increasing capacity for future recordings.

The committee stayed within budget and did not need to pay any speaking or other fees this year.

All of this year’s programs were driven by our volunteer committee members.  Special thanks go to this year’s committee members Caitlin Archer-Helke, Joe Mitzenmacher, and Amy Tomaszewski for their work in putting together our programs. I would also like to thank our Board liaison Todd Hillmer for his input.

Continuing Education Committee Annual Report 2022-2023

The Continuing Education Committee had another successful year, sponsoring four presentations during the 2022-23 CALL year. The committee tried to identify topics that would interest all of our members, whether they work for private law firms, academic institutions, or courts or government agencies.

Following a practice that began during the pandemic, all four presentations were webinars held over Zoom, with links to the recordings available here:
Continue reading Continuing Education Committee Annual Report 2022-2023

CALL Continuing Education Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report

Todd Hillmer and Debbie Ginsberg, Continuing Education Committee Co-chairs

The Continuing Education Committee had a very successful year.  We sponsored or co-sponsored 5 successful presentations with another tentatively scheduled for the end of this month.  Due to COVID restrictions, all of these were webinars: Continue reading CALL Continuing Education Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report

CALL Continuing Education Committee 2019-2020 Annual Report

The Continuing Education Committee sponsored three successful presentations this year past. They were:

  • Nailing Your AMPC Proposal – Tips from the Trenches (webinar, September 17th, 2019)
  • The Occasional Intellectual Property Law Researcher (webinar, December 5th, 2019)
  • What’s New and Improved in Free and Low-cost Legal Research (May 21st, 2020)

Continue reading CALL Continuing Education Committee 2019-2020 Annual Report

Recap: Creating a History Program For Your Organization

On October 1, 2019, Gretchen Van Dam, CALL member and Northern District of Illinois Court Historical Association Vice President and Archivist gave a presentation on the topic, “Creating a History Program for Your Organization: Lessons Learned from the Northern District of Illinois Court Historical Association.” The event took place at the Northern District of Illinois Court History Museum on the 21st floor of the Everett McKinley Dirksen U.S.  Courthouse.

Find an overview of the tour and questions that can guide you through creating a historical organization in this recap from our CALL Mentorship & Leadership Development Committee.
Continue reading Recap: Creating a History Program For Your Organization

CALL Continuing Education Committee 2018-2019 Annual Report

We would like to thank the committee members including Lisa Winkler, Bob Winger, Virginia Brown, Simone Srinivan, Emily Byrne, Susan Seibert, Debbie Ginsberg, for their commitment and hard work helping us put together good education programs this year.

The Continuing Education Committee had a very successful year.  We sponsored or co-sponsored six successful presentations: Continue reading CALL Continuing Education Committee 2018-2019 Annual Report

Continuing Education Committee Annual Report

During the 2016-2017 year, the CALL Continuing Education Committee, co-chaired by Carolyn Hersch and Jesse Bowman, organized and hosted two events, “Switching Library Settings: A CALL Continuing Education and Mentorship Collaboration” and “E-Discovery Webinar.”  Details of these events were as follows: Continue reading Continuing Education Committee Annual Report