Category Archives: Summer 2015 AALL Supplement

Issue 236 AALL Supplement: A supplemental issue published live at the national AALL conference in Philadelphia July 2015

From the Editors

In case you missed it, this year’s AALL Annual Meeting & Conference took place in Philadelphia from July 18 – July 21.  As promised, our correspondents were on location in Philadelphia to represent CALL and to report back to our members who were not able to make it to the conference this year.

This supplement to the 2015 Summer Issue of the CALL Bulletin serves to highlight Philadelphia, the conference itself, and the achievements and activities of our members on a national stage.  As always, CALL was well-represented at the annual meeting, with presentations, awards, and a wealth of new friends to show for it!    

Continue reading From the Editors

Next Year’s AALL Conference – in Chicago!

Chicago 2016 LogoIt’s never too early to start planning for the next AALL conference.  In case you haven’t heard (but of course you have), it’s in Chicago in 2016. We’re very excited to host the meeting in our home town!   “Make it New, Create the Future” is the title: a rallying cry of  Chicago leaders following the great fire of 1871 and early modernist artists (represented by the Chicago Picasso sculpture logo).

Got ideas for programs you’d like to see?  A call for proposals will go out in September, which will be due sometime in October.  You’ll see more information on the CALL listserv and blog.

Is there something in Chicago that visiting law librarians shouldn’t miss?  Our Local Arrangements Committee, chaired by Maribel Nash and Megan Butman, are busy planning great activities for the conference and you can contact them with ideas.


CALL Interviews from the AALL Exhibit Hall

As part of our ongoing coverage of the AALL Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, CALL members have been conducting brief interviews with each other and with non-CALL members to get a sense of how the conference is going and what some of the best programs have been so far.  Here are some of the responses we have received.

Trez Drake

Foreign, Comparative, and International Law Librarian
Northwestern Law School Pritzker Legal Research Center

Trez Drake

What is the best program or event that you have attended at this year’s conference?

Hackathon.  I don’t code, but it was nice to be in a room and brainstorm with people about an interface that will be helpful to the law library community.  It was great to learn how the processes of coding and development work.” Continue reading CALL Interviews from the AALL Exhibit Hall

CALL–Big Winners in Philadelphia

As most of our members know, our chapter was awarded two separate AALL Awards at this year’s annual meeting. These awards were for Best Use of Technology and Best Newsletter within the “Excellence in Marketing” category.  Here we are, front and center, for all of AALL to marvel at:

Scott highlights CALL's success
Scott Vanderlin shows off CALL’s accomplishments

Continue reading CALL–Big Winners in Philadelphia

Eating: Reading Market & Beyond

We’re looking for restaurant reviews! Have you been eating out in Philadelphia? Do you have a favorite from a previous visit you can’t wait to try again? Help us expand this post throughout the conference!

Reading Terminal Market

neon sign

The Reading Terminal Market has a very long list of restaurants – you may want to consult a map if you visit during a busy period to see where to get started. Tables are arranged in long aisles and may require some scouting to find a location at the busiest hours: Continue reading Eating: Reading Market & Beyond

Philadelphia Mural Walk – Enjoy in Person or Online!

If you’re at the AALL Conference in Philadelphia this week and want to get out of the convention center and explore, taking the self-guided tour (pdf) of the Philadelphia Mural Walk through “The Mural Mile” can be a great option.

Interactive Mural Walk

Not here? This tour includes interviews available via phone or download as “podcast” mp3s – I’ve included the phone numbers with images of each artwork below so you can follow along from any location.

You can also download the audio files directly from the Mural Mile website (zip file). Combining the audio tour with the murals will help you explore not only the creativity and local history of these works, but also learn about community programs: Continue reading Philadelphia Mural Walk – Enjoy in Person or Online!