Board Members Present: Jamie Sommer, Scott Vanderlin, Sarah Andeen, Lindsey Carpino, Mandy Lee and Carrie Port
Board Members Absent: None
Guests: None
Significant Actions: Continue reading CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – June 2021
Board Members Present: Jamie Sommer, Scott Vanderlin, Sarah Andeen, Lindsey Carpino, Mandy Lee and Carrie Port
Board Members Absent: None
Guests: None
Significant Actions: Continue reading CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – June 2021
Thanks to a generous grant from CALL, I was able to attend the virtual AALL Management Institute in March 2021 The Management Institute is a two-day immersion which ambitiously aims to prepare “managers to thrive in uncertainty, confidently navigate conflict, and build commitment to strategic goals.” Continue reading Grantee Report: AALL Management Institute
The CALL Grants and Awards Committee graciously provided me with a Grant to enroll in the AALL Introduction to Law Libraries virtual course. The course was self-paced which created flexibility in my scheduling; while I received the grant in March, I was able to take and complete the course in June after the semester and grading had ended. Additionally, the course itself was only one hour long allowing me to complete it gradually over the course of a full day, rather than being required to sit during a one hour slot. This flexibility was wonderful and allowed me to focus on work while also completing the course. Continue reading Grantee Report: AALL Introduction to Law Library Budgets Course
In 2020-2021, the CALL Public Relations Committee had the following members: Shari Berkowitz Duff, Debbie Ginsberg, Lyonette Louis-Jacques (Chair), Sharon Nelson, and Sarah Sherman. Megan Butman served as CALL Board Liaison. Continue reading CALL Public Relations Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report
Co-Chairs: Lucy Robbins, Brittany Adams
Members: Patricia Scott, Joe Mitzenmacher, Matt Timko
Due to the pandemic, the archives could not be accessed or updated for most of the year. There is no report this year.
Chair: Joe Mitzenmacher
Members: Eugene Giudice, Todd Ito, Julie Melvin
The Nominations and Elections Committee met virtually in August to begin the process of seeking nominations for candidates to run for the three open positions on the 2021-2022 CALL Executive Board: Director, Secretary, and Vice-President/President-Elect. Recommendations were solicited over the CALL listserv and during the announcements portion of the September business meeting and then discussed among the committee members during virtual meetings. As was the case with last year’s election, the committee was behind the schedule set forth in the CALL Elections Checklist with our call for nominees, but in the end the committee was able to set up and complete the election in a timely manner. Continue reading CALL Nominations and Elections Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report
The CALL Bulletin has published three of the four 2020-21 issues up to the writing of this report (Issues 257-259) with the Summer issue to be published in the in late August 2021. The committee included Emily Barney (co-editor), Emily Byrne (co-editor), Matt Timko (co-editor), Debbie Ginsberg and Sarah Walangitan.
Continue reading CALL Bulletin Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report
Chair: Sarah Reis
Members: Eugene Giudice, Sally Holterhoff, Joe Mitzenmacher, Mary Ellen Murphy, Sarah Walangitan
Board Liaison: Mandy Lee
Committee Charge:
Government Relations Committee keeps apprised of government activity pertaining to libraries and information policy by staying informed of the work of the AALL Government Relations Committee and the Government Relations Office. Shares updates with the CALL community and promotes equitable access to justice and access to information. Advocates policy interests and views of CALL on issues affecting law libraries and legal information professionals in the Chicago area, Illinois, and neighboring states. Continue reading CALL Government Relations Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report
Greetings CALL Members!
We hope you’re staying cool over the last month of hot and humid temperatures. One thing that is always cool: the summer Bulletin, chalk full of reports from your fellow members on the great committee work and programs that have been going on. Continue reading From the Editors
The 2020-2021 CALL BYLAWS Committee was comprised of: Committee Chair Annie Mentkowski and members Jamie Stewart and Brandy Ellis.
The Bylaws Committee updated the committee charge and the committee description. It also reviewed the CALL Bylaws to ensure that they continued to align with the AALL Bylaws. In addition, the Committee also worked with the Archives Committee to bring the policy log up-to-date.