Category Archives: Nominations & Elections

The Nominations and Elections Committee prepares the slate of candidates for the annual Board election, sets up the electronic ballot, oversees online voting, and reports election results to the CALL president

Call for CALL Executive Board Nominations

The CALL Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking nominations for the following Executive Board positions:

  • Vice-President/President-Elect (three-year term)
  • Secretary (two-year term)
  • Director (two-year term)

Please send nominations directly to Scott Vanderlin by the end of the day Friday, January 31st.

Continue reading Call for CALL Executive Board Nominations

CALL Nominations and Elections Committee Annual Report 2023-2034

The Nominations and Elections Committee sought nominations for the 2024-2025 CALL Executive Board: Director, Treasurer, and Vice-President/President-Elect via the CALL listserv. The slate was announced on the CALL listserv.

Voting took place February 26, 2024 thru March 22, 2024. The committee worked with Chris Siwa from AALL Headquarters to set up the online election, and the election ran efficiently.

Continue reading CALL Nominations and Elections Committee Annual Report 2023-2034

Nominations & Elections Committee 2022-2023 Annual Report

The Nominations and Elections Committee sought nominations for the 2023-2024 CALL Executive Board: Director, Secretary, and Vice-President/President-Elect via over the CALL listserv. The slate was announced on the CALL listserv.

Committee Chair:

  • Lindsey Carpino


  • Heidi Kuehl
  • Jessie LeMar
  • Eugene Giudice
  • Konya Moss

Voting took place  February 20, 2023 thru March 14, 2023. The committee worked with Chris Siwa from AALL Headquarters to set up the online election, and the election ran efficiently. Continue reading Nominations & Elections Committee 2022-2023 Annual Report

New Members of Executive Board – 2022-2023

Thank you to the Nominations and Elections Committee for putting together the wonderful slate of candidates and for verifying the election results.  Additional thank you to all the candidates – we appreciate your willingness to serve CALL.

Please join me in welcoming our newest CALL Board members: Continue reading New Members of Executive Board – 2022-2023

CALL Nominations and Elections Committee 2021-2022 Annual Report

The Nominations and Elections Committee met virtually in August to brainstorm ideas and potential candidates for nomination for the 2022-2023 CALL Executive Board: Director, Treasurer, and Vice-President/President-Elect. Recommendations were solicited over the CALL listserv and during the announcements portion of the September virtual business meeting and then discussed among the committee members during virtual meetings and email exchanges. The slate was announced on the CALL listserv in November. The slate was as follows: Continue reading CALL Nominations and Elections Committee 2021-2022 Annual Report

CALL Nominations and Elections Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report

Chair: Joe Mitzenmacher
Members: Eugene Giudice, Todd Ito, Julie Melvin

The Nominations and Elections Committee met virtually in August to begin the process of seeking nominations for candidates to run for the three open positions on the 2021-2022 CALL Executive Board: Director, Secretary, and Vice-President/President-Elect. Recommendations were solicited over the CALL listserv and during the announcements portion of the September business meeting and then discussed among the committee members during virtual meetings. As was the case with last year’s election, the committee was behind the schedule set forth in the CALL Elections Checklist with our call for nominees, but in the end the committee was able to set up and complete the election in a timely manner. Continue reading CALL Nominations and Elections Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report

2021-2022 Executive Board Candidates

The CALL Nominations and Elections Committee is pleased to announce the slate of candidates for the election of the Board of Directors for the 2021-2022 CALL year:

Vice President/President-Elect


       Shari Berkowitz Duff                                                  Scott Vanderlin                                Jones Day                                                      University of Chicago



         Sarah Andeen                                                          Mike McMillan                         Chapman Cutler LLP                                  McDermott Will & Emery LLP


                                          Patricia Scott

                  Carrie Port                                                               Patricia Scott              Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom           Loyola University Chicago

Thank you to committee members Eugene Giudice, Todd Ito, and Julie Melvin for their assistance in putting together the slate, and thank you to all of the members who submitted nominees.

The candidates will be introduced to the membership during the November Business Meeting today. More information about the election process and the candidates’ bios and statements will be made available soon.


Congratulations to the Incoming Board Members

Please congratulate me in welcoming our newly elected CALL Board:

Vice President/President-Elect

Scott Vanderlin, CALL VP/President Elect 2021-2022

Scott Vanderlin


Sarah Andeen


Carrie Port, CALL Director 2021-2022

Carrie Port

We will congratulate you officially at our May Business Meeting.

I would like to thank the Nominations & Elections Committee for putting together a wonderful slate: Joe Mitzenmacher (Chair), Julie Melvin, Eugene Giudice and Todd Ito.

Thank you to those who were nominated:

Shari Berkowitz Duff (Vice President/President-Elect), Mike McMillan (Secretary) and Patricia Scott (Director). We appreciate your willingness to serve CALL.