Spring time in Chicago. Hooray! We’ve had snow and rain, and it’s been very cold, but I have seen shoots of leaves and flowers blooming, so we’re leaving behind the old and bringing in the new. Like the weather, the CALL Bulletin is changing. This is my last column as co-editor and the end of my three-year term as co-chair of the Bulletin Committee.

I have enjoyed shepherding our AALL award-winning newsletter to its hybrid WordPress blog and PDF formats. Since the format change with the Fall 2014 CALL Bulletin issue, we’ve had over 15,000 views, with a peak of 2,149 views in January 2016. The art in CALL libraries and Chicago International theme issues were very popular as well as our AALL in Philly supplemental summer issue. And a project that I started with co-editor Lindsey Carpino and Bulletin Historian, Annie Mentkowski, is coming to fruition. We are going to get the CALL Bulletin content archived in and accessible via HeinOnline. Stay tuned! Continue reading From the Editors
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