Chair: Sarah Walangitan
Interim Chair (January – March 2022): Shari Berkowitz Duff
Members: Jesse Bowman, Lyo Louis-Jacques, Kristina DeGuzman
Board Liaison: Scott Vanderlin
Committee Charge: Public Relations Committee maintains the CALL Website and Discussion forum; evaluates and recommends changes for improvements; uses a variety of methods to inform the legal and library communities about CALL, and law librarianship including submitting membership and other CALL news to AALL, and other appropriate organizations, and taking photos at CALL events. Coordinates and plans, with the Vice President/President-Elect, the CALL activities table display in the exhibit hall at the AALL Annual Meeting.
The PR Committee met once by Zoom on August 25 and stayed in contact for the remainder of the year via email.
- Shared CALL events, member accomplishments, and meeting information with CALL members and the wider legal information community via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, listservs, and AALL forums.
- Compiled a list of all CALL presenters and moderators at the AALL Annual Meeting and shared with membership.
- Continued last year’s project of assembling external PR resources and contacts. Examples include law school communication forums, legal publications, and other libraries. The list is now available as a reference guide when opportunities to spread the word about CALL arise.
- Updated all old Neon links on the CALL website.
- Collaborated with the GRC to research options for an interactive version of Finding Illinois Law. Our recommendation is PressBooks. This project will be continued in the new CALL year.
- Explored Canva as a design resource for social media posts and utilized the free version to create visuals for several CALL events.