Scott Vanderlin

  • CALL Position: Bulletin Committee Co-Chair & Bulletin Co-Editor, 2014-2017; Continuing Education Committee, Co-Chair, 2014-2015
  • Research Librarian at Chicago-Kent College of Law Library


Call for CALL Executive Board Nominations

The CALL Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking nominations for the following Executive Board positions:

  • Vice-President/President-Elect (three-year term)
  • Secretary (two-year term)
  • Director (two-year term)

Please send nominations directly to Scott Vanderlin by the end of the day Friday, January 31st.

Continue reading Call for CALL Executive Board Nominations

President’s Message

I know what you’re thinking, CALL Members:

Twelve. More. Months.


But term limits exist for a reason, so with that in mind, and with tears on my keyboard, I type to you one last time as CALL President.

I am so proud of our accomplishments as an organization in the past year. While I am unable to recount all of the moments that defined my year as President, the standout event for me was our 75th Anniversary event at the Columbia Yacht Club last June. Not only was it a beautiful day filled with great food and conversation–it was also our first opportunity to gather together in person since before the COVID pandemic. I can not think of a better setting to toast to one another and to the organization that brought us all together. Continue reading President’s Message

President’s Letter

As a kid, all I ever wanted to be was CALL President. 

“Mom, Dad–I need the new edition of The Bluebook.”

“No, I most certainly cannot come out to play. I have to practice Shepardizing. Lose this address.”

“You know what, Grandma–you keep this birthday money. It won’t do me any good to get used to having it.”

Then you grow up, see your dreams realized, and find out that it’s never how you thought it would be. Case in point, here are a few things they don’t teach you in CALL President School: Continue reading President’s Letter

In Celebration of 75 Years of CALL

This year, CALL is turning 75 years old. As we all know, the traditional gift for a 75th anniversary is a diamond, but the lesser-known tradition for 75th Anniversaries of law library organizations is being on a boat–the bigger the better. And so, on a beautiful evening in June, CALL members new and old gathered on the deck of the Columbia Yacht Club to celebrate the organization that has meant so much to so many of us over the years. Continue reading In Celebration of 75 Years of CALL

From the Editors

The summer has wound down, so we’re happy to present you with the summer 2016 issue of the CALL Bulletin. And what a summer it was. Hosting the AALL Annual Meeting in Chicago gave many of us the chance to extend the collegiality and hospitality that we as CALL members enjoy on a regular basis. As mused by Joanne Kiley, it was a great conference and a real treat to hear so many of our colleagues say, “I love Chicago!” Continue reading From the Editors

Bulletin Committee 2016 Annual Report

The 2015-2016 CALL Bulletin Committee was Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Lindsey Carpino, and Scott Vanderlin (co-editors), EmilyBarney, Debbie Ginsberg, Juanita Harrell, Philip Johnson, Annie Mentkowski (Bulletin Historian), Jill Meyer, Clanitra Stewart Nejdl, Stacia Stein, LeighAnne Thompson, and Donna Tuke. Continue reading Bulletin Committee 2016 Annual Report

From the Editors

Spring time in Chicago. Hooray!  We’ve had snow and rain, and it’s been very cold, but I have seen shoots of leaves and flowers blooming, so we’re leaving behind the old and bringing in the new.  Like the weather, the CALL Bulletin is changing. This is my last column as co-editor and the end of my three-year term as co-chair of the Bulletin Committee.

Lyo Louis-Jacques photo
Lyonette Louis-Jacques, CALL Bulletin Co-Editor, 2013-2016

I have enjoyed shepherding our AALL award-winning newsletter to its hybrid WordPress blog and PDF formats. Since the format change with the Fall 2014 CALL Bulletin issue, we’ve had over 15,000 views, with a peak of 2,149 views in January 2016. The art in CALL libraries and Chicago International theme issues were very popular as well as our AALL in Philly supplemental  summer issue. And a project that I started with co-editor Lindsey Carpino and Bulletin Historian, Annie Mentkowski, is coming to fruition. We are going to get the CALL Bulletin content archived in and accessible via HeinOnline. Stay tuned! Continue reading From the Editors