Category Archives: CALL Committees

Continuing Education Program: Demystifying Leadership and Volunteering in CALL.

On Wednesday, November 20, the Mentorship and Career Development Committee hosted an online panel entitled Demystifying Leadership and Volunteering in CALL. This Continuing Education Program sought to inspire members to step into leadership roles within the organization and offered practical advice for navigating CALL’s opportunities.

Panelists featured CALL members with a variety of leadership experience within the organization:

Continue reading Continuing Education Program: Demystifying Leadership and Volunteering in CALL.

Government Relations Bringing Librarians Together

The Government Relations Committee is moving forward with plans to bring a webinar on advocacy and other issues facing our colleagues in public libraries, including ways in which law librarians can help advocate for public libraries and librarians.

Continue reading Government Relations Bringing Librarians Together

Call for CALL Executive Board Nominations

The CALL Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking nominations for the following Executive Board positions:

  • Vice-President/President-Elect (three-year term)
  • Secretary (two-year term)
  • Director (two-year term)

Please send nominations directly to Scott Vanderlin by the end of the day Friday, January 31st.

Continue reading Call for CALL Executive Board Nominations

CALL Nominations and Elections Committee Annual Report 2023-2034

The Nominations and Elections Committee sought nominations for the 2024-2025 CALL Executive Board: Director, Treasurer, and Vice-President/President-Elect via the CALL listserv. The slate was announced on the CALL listserv.

Voting took place February 26, 2024 thru March 22, 2024. The committee worked with Chris Siwa from AALL Headquarters to set up the online election, and the election ran efficiently.

Continue reading CALL Nominations and Elections Committee Annual Report 2023-2034

Apply for a Grant! Nominate a colleague for an Award!

In spring 2025, CALL’s Grants & Chapter Awards Committee will seek nominations for the following awards:

The Agnes and Harvey Reid Award for Outstanding Contribution to Law Librarianship – presented annually at the May business meeting for outstanding service to the chapter during the previous year or for contribution to law librarianship.

Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship Award – presented annually at the May business meeting for outstanding lifetime achievement in law librarianship.

Outstanding In-House Publication Award – given to an individual or group who created in-house library materials (print or online) that are user and staff oriented, are relevant for law libraries, and are outstanding in quality.

Please start thinking about CALL colleagues whom you’d like to nominate for an award! If you have any questions, please contact the current Grants & Chapter Awards Chair, Mandy Lee, at

Stay tuned for more from the Government Relations Committee!

The Government Relations Committee is hard at work to curate programs and information of use to librarians in Illinois. Stay tuned for exciting opportunities, including the following:

  • A special guest appearance from Illinois Secretary of State and State Librarian Alexi Giannoulias at the May CALL meeting
  • A webinar on effective advocacy for libraries and libraries
  • Updated information on the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act in Illinois

The committee is chaired by Eugene Giudice and includes members Ross Prolic and Sally Holterhoff.

Interested in prior years of the Government Relations Committee? Take a look at annual reports and other materials on the Bulletin.

Archives Committee Annual Report 2023-24


Joe Mitzenmacher

Committee members:

  • David Heusel
  • Sally Wise

Committee Projects

The 2023-24 CALL Board charged the Archives Committee with exploring cloud storage options for the organization’s digital media assets, such as digital photos taken during CALL events and Zoom recordings of CALL events (as our Zoom account was approaching its maximum allowable storage level).

The Committee landed on Google One, which can be tied to the existing CALL Gmail account, for the cloud storage solution. CALL President Mandy Lee downloaded all Zoom recordings from the start of 2020 through March 2022 into CALL’s Google Drive account, which freed up space for storage in our Zoom account.

Looking ahead, next year we will be aiming to post our videos on a CALL YouTube account with a “private” listing and making them available on a members-only page of the CALL website. Keep an eye out for more information on that in the upcoming CALL business year.

Thanks to our committee members and to Board Liaison Todd Hillmer for their great work this year!

Community Service Committee Annual Report 2023-24

2023-24 Annual Report

Committee Co-Chairs

Beth Schubert and Leah Whitesel

Committee Members

  • Mike McMillan
  • Nan Norton

Volunteer Opportunities

We successfully coordinated the following three volunteering opportunities from September 2023 to May 2024:

Fundraisers at Business Meetings

Additionally, in conjunction with each of the quarterly CALL Business Meetings, a specific organization was selected that met the charitable organization selection criteria created by the Executive Board. CALL membership was encouraged to make monetary donations to the following entities:

This approach of direct donation did not permit us to track the total number or dollar amount of donations made by CALL membership to each organization.

However, each organization could accept donations via credit card and/or PayPal, so we are confident that CALL members who wished to make donations were able to do so quickly and conveniently.

Continuing Education Committee Annual Report 2023-2024

The Continuing Education Committee had another successful year, sponsoring three presentations during the 2023-24 CALL year. The committee tried to identify topics that would interest all of our members, whether they work for private law firms, academic institutions, or courts or government agencies. Following a practice that began during the pandemic, all three presentations were webinars held over Zoom:

All of our presentations this year garnered immense interest and were well-attended by our CALL Members.

This year’s programs were all recorded and made available on the CALL website. The committee used Zoom to create webinar invites, host the programs, and record the programs.  The cloud storage in Zoom became a concern as we were at about 98% usage.  Shari brought this to the attention of the Board, and they began looking at a number of solutions for increasing capacity for future recordings.

The committee stayed within budget and did not need to pay any speaking or other fees this year.

All of this year’s programs were driven by our volunteer committee members.  Special thanks go to this year’s committee members Caitlin Archer-Helke, Joe Mitzenmacher, and Amy Tomaszewski for their work in putting together our programs. I would also like to thank our Board liaison Todd Hillmer for his input.