Category Archives: Winter 2023

From the Editors

It seems fitting that the Winter issue of the CALL Bulletin is coming out now.  Punxsutawney Phil did predict six more weeks of winter. Winter might be finally upon us in Chicago. This issue is complete highlighting the amazing work CALL continues to do. From community service, DEI initiatives, welcoming new members and continuing our leadership with executive board elections. Continue reading From the Editors

New Member Profile – Rachel Ford

Biographical Info: Resources Management Librarian at Northern Illinois University Law Library

I am responsible for the library’s electronic resources and interlibrary loan, as well as maintaining the websites for the library and the College of Law. I also work on acquisitions, statistics, ILS administration, and the institutional repository, and provide basic reference and circulation services as needed. Continue reading New Member Profile – Rachel Ford

Inaugural CALL Committee Summit

While the CALL executive board has regularly held leadership training meetings to connect with the newest committee chairs, this year the format was designed to encourage cross-committee collaborations.

This article provides a summary of the first steps, as well as some context to help CALL and the committees move forward with more of the collaborations proposed at the meeting. Continue reading Inaugural CALL Committee Summit

Introducing the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Who are we?

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is a new CALL committee created as part of the new strategic goal to “Implement policies that ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion awareness, support, and initiatives.”

As a part of this new goal, we are charged with the following: Continue reading Introducing the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee