The Nominations and Elections Committee sought nominations for the 2023-2024 CALL Executive Board: Director, Secretary, and Vice-President/President-Elect via over the CALL listserv. The slate was announced on the CALL listserv.
It seems fitting that the Winter issue of the CALL Bulletin is coming out now. Punxsutawney Phil did predict six more weeks of winter. Winter might be finally upon us in Chicago. This issue is complete highlighting the amazing work CALL continues to do. From community service, DEI initiatives, welcoming new members and continuing our leadership with executive board elections. Continue reading From the Editors→
The CALL Nominations and Elections Committee is pleased to announce the slate of candidates for the election of the Board of Directors for the 2023-2024 CALL year: Continue reading 2023-2024 Executive Board Candidates→
Happy (late) Fall from the Bulletin – we have a great issue looking back at some of the great events CALL has held over the last couple months, including the first in-person Business Meeting since 2020!
We hope you enjoy the issue and continue to provide the great service and contributions that make CALL such a wonderful and vibrant organization! And as always, it isn’t too early to start thinking about contributions to the next issue of the CALL Bulletin.
Have a wonderful, healthy, and safe holiday season… and Happy New Year!
I would like to thank the PLLIP-SIS for a grant to attend the AALL Management Institute! Attending the management institute has been a goal of mine, so I was happy for the opportunity. The institute was held virtually on March 23-24, 2021.
This year’s institute focused on managing remote and hybrid working environments, training on implicit bias, inclusive decision making, management and leadership responsibilities of managers and improving conflict and professional development planning.
AALL was able to focus the management institute on core principals as well as topics that are vital to everyone, including diversity and inclusion initiatives and workplace changes in the times of COVID. Continue reading AALL Management Institute→
As we gathered around the Thanksgiving table this year, whatever that “virtual table” may have looked like this year. I am sure we all thought about what we are thankful for even through this challenging year. Maybe it was food on the table, a warm home or virtual family time. I am thankful that CALL continues to be resilient in the times of change. Who would have guessed last year that we would issue a Bulletin around best pandemic practices? This issue also features our new member profile and member news section. Happy reading! Continue reading President’s Message→
As I write my final president’s letter, I cannot help but be proud of what we accomplished in a very challenging year. While I am sad that I did not get to see your faces in person at our business meetings, executive board meetings, continuing education events and countless social events, we persevered. Continue reading President’s Letter→
I hope everyone did their best to stay warm over the extra cold winter! As I write this message, the snow continues to fall. It has been a year since our last in-person business meeting in February, but CALL continues to keep our members engaged. We hosted a successful virtual business meeting on February 18, 2021 with speaker Robert Ambrogi. Ambrogi spoke about the Essential Role of the Law Librarian. We had 63 members join via Zoom. Continue reading President’s Message→
Newsletter of the Chicago Association of Law Libraries