January 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Conference Call January 10, 2023 9:00 a.m.

Board Members Present:, Sarah Andeen, Mandy Lee, Jill Meyer, Carrie Port, Jamie Sommers,
and Todd Hillmer

Board Members Absent: Scott Vanderlin

Guests: None

Significant Actions:

I. Call meeting to order – Vice-President Mandy Lee called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

II. Approve agenda – The agenda was approved.

III. Approve Secretary’s minutes – The January meeting minutes were approved.

IV. Treasurer’s Report

a. Harris Balances as of January 1,2023: $20,864.93 in our CD and $20,517.69 in checking.
b. Membership numbers: 216 current total members.

V. Old Business

a. CALL Committee Summit Follow-up
i. Archives
1. DropBox account – Mandy set it up. Password to the board.
ii. Bulletin
1. Mandy created a schedule of committees and the month they should contribute.
iii. Community Service
1. Previous Event – Food Drive January 21, 2023. Successful. 6 CALL members & 2 guests. Mandy will write Bulletin article.
2. Next event is on March 11, 2023. Cradles to Crayons.
iv. Continuing Ed
1. Mini-AALL – CE Committee – Wednesday in June set?
v. Diversity and Inclusion
1. DEI proposal on layout of DEI section of website ready?
2. DEI plan to work with other CALL committees on how to improve DEI?
vi. PR
1. PR Discord server roll-out announcement ready for Mandy/Scott to send out?
vii. March in-person happy hour
1. Date: Tuesday March 21, 2023
2. Location: Beatrix 155 N Wacker – Carrie checked on availability. Space for 20 people max.
3. Sponsor: Trellis. Wants to know how much they need to contribute? and if they can send handouts?
4. Reservation Deadline:
5. Cost Per Call Member: $10
6. Announcements & Registration

VI. New Business

i. CALL website – Handbook & bylaws – files not found
ii. MLDC informal meet and greet at the Revival Food Hall at the end of this month (2/28 @8am) and a more structured zoom event at the end of next month (3/27 @9am). All Board members welcome at both.
1. funding for 2/28 in person event? $50 or less for coffee, for Diana Koppang (who will be “hosting” the in-person event) to pick up a coffee traveler and perhaps some pastries for the February event?
iii. Visit from AALL Exec Board member?

VII. Committee Reports :

a. Archives: Todd –
b. Bulletin: Sarah
c. Bylaws Todd Nothing to report
d. Community Service: Carrie –
e. Continuing Education: Todd –
f. Corporate Memory: Sarah – Nothing to report
g. Diversity & Inclusion: Scott –
h. Government Relations Mandy–.Nothing to report
i. Grants & Chapter Awards- Jamie – Nothing to report
j. Meetings: Jill
k. Membership: Jill -Nothing to report
l. Mentorship: Mandy – Nothing to report
m. Nominations & Elections: – Nothing to report
n. Placement/Recruitment Carrie – Nothing to report
o. Public Relations: Jamie –Nothing to report

VIII. Announcements –No announcements.

IX. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:37 a.m.