Philip Johnson

  • CALL Position: Bulletin Committee Co-Chair & Bulletin Co-Editor, 2016-2019;Bulletin Committee, Member, 2015-2016
  • Instructional & Student Services Librarian at Louis L. Biro Law Library, The John Marshall Law School

President’s Message

As I write this, it’s a couple of days before Thanksgiving (I just got an email from Hein with the subject line “Gobble Greetings” to really timestamp this for anyone else who got that message), and I find it difficult to believe that yet another year is pretty much over. I should stop being so surprised by December showing up seemingly out of nowhere, but I doubt that lesson will have taken hold twelve months from now.

Continue reading President’s Message

CALL Meetings Committee 2021-2022 Annual Report

Jill Meyer – Co-Chair 

Philip Johnson – Co-Chair
Jesse Bowman – Committee member

Mike McMillan – Committee member
Jamie Stewart – Committee member

In-person events were on hold for another year until the June 2022 75th Anniversary Celebration. The Meetings Committee continued to help coordinate our business meetings and assisted with planning and set-up of a few other events listed below.  Continue reading CALL Meetings Committee 2021-2022 Annual Report

November Business Meeting – Rhea Ballard-Throwe

CALL convened on November 18, 2021 at noon via Zoom for our November Business Meeting. There were 54 registrants for this meeting. President Jamie Sommer opened the meeting and thanked Lexis for sponsoring the door prizes before handing it over to Vice President Scott Vanderlin, who introduced our speaker, Dean Rhea Ballard-Thrower.


Dean Ballard-Thrower was recently named the University Librarian at the University of Illinois Chicago. She was previously the Executive Director of the Howard University Libraries and a tenured professor at the Howard University School of Law. She has also served as Director of the Howard University Law Library, Associate Director of the Georgia State University Law Library, and as a reference librarian for the Tarlton Law Library at the University of Texas-Austin. Continue reading November Business Meeting – Rhea Ballard-Throwe

November Business Meeting – David Schwartz and Adam Pah from SCALES-OKN

November 19, 2020 Business Meeting at 12:00 p.m. via Zoom

Our November Business Meeting had 59 attendees. President Lindsey Carpino opened the meeting by welcoming new members and introducing our sponsor, Thomson Reuters. Blythe McCoy discussed the various COVID-19 and civil rights resources that Thomson Reuters has made available to researchers. She also discussed Thomson Reuter’s financial support to the city of Minneapolis and expanded opportunities for employees to volunteer in the community. Continue reading November Business Meeting – David Schwartz and Adam Pah from SCALES-OKN

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – May 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 9:00am via Conference Call

Board Members Present: Jamie Sommer, Tom Keefe, Megan Butman, Mandy Lee, Jessie LeMar, and Philip Johnson

Board Members Absent: Lindsey Carpino

Guests: Incoming board members Scott Vanderlin, Sarah Andeen, and Carrie Port

Significant Actions: None

Treasurer’s Report (Section IV)

  • Harris Balance as of May 10, 2021 – $14,835
  • Membership numbers to date – 213

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – April 2021

April 13, 2021 at 8:30 a.m.

Board Members Present: Lindsey Carpino, Jamie Sommer, Tom Keefe, Megan Butman, Mandy Lee, Jessie LeMar, and Philip Johnson

Board Members Absent: None

Significant Actions: The board approved extending the implementation of the strategic plan through May 2023.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Harris Balance as of February 8, 2021 – $14,960
  • Membership numbers to date – 213


September Business Meeting – Grace Pai, Director of Advancing Justice–Chicago

Our September Business Meeting was attended by about 70 CALL members. President Lindsey Carpino opened the meeting by thanking outgoing board members (Jessie LeMar, who is now Past President, Joe Mitzenmacher, and Jesse Bowman) and welcoming the board members that joined in May (Vice President/President-Elect Jamie Sommer, Treasurer Tom Keefe, and Director Mandy Lee). Lindsey noted that we’re maintaining our usual schedule as best as possible, including virtual Business Meetings, calls for grants and awards, and continuing education events. Virtual happy hours have been popular and will continue. Further, we will ramp up diversity and inclusion efforts this year. Continue reading September Business Meeting – Grace Pai, Director of Advancing Justice–Chicago

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – August 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 8:30 a.m.

Board Members Present: Lindsey Carpino, Jamie Sommer, Tom Keefe, Megan Butman, Mandy Lee, Jessie LeMar, and Philip Johnson

Board Members Absent: None

Significant Actions: None

Guests: None

Treasurer’s Report (Section IV)

  • The financial report is pending an in-person meeting at the bank to transfer account information to Tom.
  • Membership numbers to date – These are pending the collection of renewal checks and cleaning up deferred renewals, i.e. those paid for by check, in Neon.