The Chicago Association of Law Libraries honors Margaret Schilt with the 2019 Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship Award.
Margaret Schilt is retiring this June after 19 years as a librarian at the D’ Angelo Law Library at the University of Chicago. The Lifetime Achievement Award is a fitting tribute to her career of active and engaged service to our profession.
Margaret entered the field of law librarianship in the spring of 2000 after a successful career as a practicing lawyer and then stay-at-home parent. She quickly emerged as a skillful librarian who colleagues relied upon for her intelligence, commitment to her work, creativity, and sound judgment. In nearly twenty years, Margaret has made outstanding contributions to the Chicago law library community beyond what many professionals achieve in a longer career.
Margaret has been active in CALL since she became a librarian. She has been a member and chair for five different CALL committees and served as CALL President from 2014-2015. Prior to her time on the CALL Executive Board, Margaret coedited the CALL Bulletin for four years, contributing her own articles and editing numerous others. She was instrumental in CALL’ s creation of a Legislator of the Year Award and in leading an effort to evaluate the future of the CALL Bulletin.
Margaret has provided invaluable service to the American Association of Law Libraries in a variety of roles. She served on the Executive Board of the Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section and was instrumental in the ALL-SIS Faculty Services Committee, as it evolved from a roundtable discussion group to a standing committee. Additionally, Margaret was appointed to the AALL Research and Publications Committee and was the AALL Chair of the Council of Newsletter Editors for two years.
Margaret Schilt’ s contributions to the profession have extended beyond her participation in association and committee work. She has shared her expertise on assessment and surveys, blogs and other newer modes of scholarship, digital repositories and, most notably, faculty services.
Throughout her career, Margaret Schilt has been a respected colleague and leader in the Chicago law librarian community and, nationally, in the American Association of Law Libraries. She is an extremely worthy recipient of CALL’s Award for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship.