Heidi Frostestad

  • Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Director of the Law Library, and Associate Professor of Law at Northern Illinois University College of Law


Adaptive Leadership During Volatile Times

The notion and concepts of adaptive leadership inspired me last year during the darkest times of the pandemic.  Shortly after beginning my new position with the Seventh Circuit, I attended a judiciary seminar on the topic.

It was informed by the framework of adaptive leadership developed by Harvard business scholars, Marty Linsky and Ronald Heifetz, in a pre-pandemic world to manage change and often unanticipated changes in the workplace.[1] Continue reading Adaptive Leadership During Volatile Times

Another Successful AALL Lobby Day and Rewarding CALL Participation – July 12, 2019

“…[A] government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  – Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

Heidi Kuehl at the Committee on Foreign Affairs office in Congress for AALL Lobby Day

Whenever I think I’m quite impossibly too busy to add another conference or professional development item to my “to do” task list, I am pleasantly reminded of how rewarding it is to continue to engage with all of the tremendously talented members of CALL/AALL and dig deeper with expansion of professional experiences.  AALL Lobby Day 2019 in D.C. was a perfect example of an extremely worthy and rewarding event.

Continue reading Another Successful AALL Lobby Day and Rewarding CALL Participation – July 12, 2019

CALL Corporate Memory Committee 2018-2019 Annual Report

The committee members who assisted in the 2018-2019 review of minutes and policy log changes were: Judy Gaskell, Betty Roeske, Susan Siebers, and Robert Winger. Annie Mentkowski assisted tremendously through her work as CALL Secretary while compiling the minutes and communicating changes to the Board. Continue reading CALL Corporate Memory Committee 2018-2019 Annual Report

TechBuzz: Report on #CALIcon16 in Atlanta

What’s the buzz?  After a hiatus, Heidi Kuehl, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, and Therese Clarke Arado are excited to be returning to the regular column scene with the re-emergence of the CALL Bulletin TechBuzz column.  The return of the column brings you a wonderful re-cap of the CALI Conference for Law School Computing by guest columnist Margaret Schilt, Associate Law Librarian for User Services, D’Angelo Law Library, University of Chicago Law School. 

Future columns will cover numerous topics of interest to law librarians, including artificial intelligence, Westlaw answers, CARA, a look at past TechBuzz topics to see if the technology or service has stood the test of time, and much more. The responses to the CALL membership survey indicated an interest in more technology related topics.  Please feel free to contact one of us with ideas you would like to see covered in the column:  Heidi Kuehl, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, and Therese Clarke Arado. Continue reading TechBuzz: Report on #CALIcon16 in Atlanta

AALL Annual Meeting in the Windy City Doesn’t Disappoint: Overview of a Grant Recipient’s Adventures and Educational Experiences

I always look forward to the AALL Annual Meeting and informal gatherings each year because of the variety of activities, opportunities to connect with dear colleagues and friends from around the country/globe, and informative educational sessions. The meeting is also filled with business meetings of special interest sections, committees, and task forces, which provides an opportunity to serve our association in myriad ways. I was grateful for the CALL grant this year which facilitated my attendance and participation in the Annual Meeting programs and Special Interest Section meetings and allowed me to share ideas with other law librarians and law library directors. Continue reading AALL Annual Meeting in the Windy City Doesn’t Disappoint: Overview of a Grant Recipient’s Adventures and Educational Experiences

Legal Citation Workshop Review

On Wednesday, February 5th, a sizeable group of law librarians, paralegals, and other CALL members joined the CALL Continuing Education Committee for a “Legal Citation Workshop.”

Clare Willis, Research Librarian and resident Bluebook expert at the Chicago-Kent Law Library, offered useful tips on navigating the Bluebook and locating the most helpful rules on common US citations. She also addressed the Internet citation rules, the white pages, the blue pages, and the index while giving helpful examples.

Be sure to consult her helpful guide to Bluebook citation, which was used as a resource in the citation workshop, at: http://uiuc.libguides.com/law-bluebook

Next, Heidi Kuehl, Foreign, Comparative, and International Law Librarian and Coordinator of Educational Programming at Northwestern’s Pritzker Legal Research Center, gave an overview of the Bluebook rules for treaties, UN documents, international case law, and foreign documents.

Heidi pointed toward free websites for research from the United Nations (http://www.un.org/en/documents/) and EISIL (from the American Society of International Law – http://www.eisil.org/), which guide researchers toward essential elements of Bluebook citation.

Finally, Philip Johnson, Instructional and Student Services Librarian at John Marshall Law School’s Louis L. Biro Law Library, gave a summary of the new Illinois neutral case citation rules (Rules 6 and 23), and fielded questions about formatting from the audience. John Marshall provides a comprehensive tutorial on the new citation rules at

After the presentations, the attendees discussed nuances of the Bluebook, ALWD, and neutral citation rules, and had an open question and answer period that was enjoyed by all. Keep an eye out for other CALL Continuing Education events!