In early 2013, the Board and subsequently the membership voted to change the Bylaws to combine the Nominations Committee and the Elections Committee into one committee. Thus the Nominations and Elections committee inaugural year was this year.
The first task of the Committee was to determine who should be nominated for the positions of Vice- President/President Elect, Treasurer, and Director. After requesting nominations from the membership and brainstorming ideas for potential candidates, the Committee presented the following slate of candidates to the Board for approval:
- Vice-President/President Elect: Debbie Ginsberg and Julie Pabarja
- Treasurer: Stephanie Crawford and Valerie Kropf
- Director: Jesse Bowman and Robert Martin
The Board approved the slate and approved the election take place between Tuesday, February 18th and Friday, March 14th.
The Committee working with AALL got all of the voting credentials set for all of the eligible voters in time for the start of the election. There were no CALL members without e-mail addresses, so no paper ballots were produced. The election began as scheduled on February 18th and ended as scheduled on March 14th. There were a few members that did not receive their e-mail from AALL with their voting credentials, however those issues were resolved quickly and the members were able to vote.
Of the 266 members eligible to vote, 144 members elected the following candidates:
- Julie Pabarja, Vice-President/President Elect
- Stephanie Crawford, Treasurer
- Robert Martin, Director
The Nominations and Elections Committee members included Denise Glynn, Ramsey Donnell, Joan Ogden, Kathleen Bruner, Lenore Glanz, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, and Susan Retzer. A very special thank you to Joan Ogden – she is a wealth of information and frankly the knowledge keeper of all things related to the CALL election. We would not have had such a successful election without her wonderful expertise.
This year we had a 54.1% voting rate. In years past the rates have been:
- 54.7% in 2012/2013
- 45.4% in 2011/2012
- 46.5% in 2010/2011
- 51.9% in 2009/2010
- 47.8% in 2008/2009
Hopefully next year we can have an unprecedented turn-out to choose our new Board members from a wonderful slate of dedicated CALL members!
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