Joe Mitzenmacher

  • CALL Position: VP, 2017-18
  • Reference & Electronic Services Librarian at Loyola University Chicago School of Law


Archives Committee Annual Report 2023-24


Joe Mitzenmacher

Committee members:

  • David Heusel
  • Sally Wise

Committee Projects

The 2023-24 CALL Board charged the Archives Committee with exploring cloud storage options for the organization’s digital media assets, such as digital photos taken during CALL events and Zoom recordings of CALL events (as our Zoom account was approaching its maximum allowable storage level).

The Committee landed on Google One, which can be tied to the existing CALL Gmail account, for the cloud storage solution. CALL President Mandy Lee downloaded all Zoom recordings from the start of 2020 through March 2022 into CALL’s Google Drive account, which freed up space for storage in our Zoom account.

Looking ahead, next year we will be aiming to post our videos on a CALL YouTube account with a “private” listing and making them available on a members-only page of the CALL website. Keep an eye out for more information on that in the upcoming CALL business year.

Thanks to our committee members and to Board Liaison Todd Hillmer for their great work this year!

Coming Soon: CALL YouTube channel

The CALL Archives Committee has been working with the CALL Board on making our past video presentations (such as CALL Continuing Education events) available to CALL members without the use of a passcode. We are exploring the possibility of posting our videos on YouTube with a “private” listing and then posting them on a page of the CALL site that’s only accessible to current CALL members. The YouTube channel is not available yet, but keep your eyes on the CALL Bulletin and the listserv to find out when it has been set up and activated.

In the meantime, did you know that links to archived Continuing Education presentation videos are available on the current CALL site? Many of the archived recordings are passcode protected, but the recordings of presentations that were conducted by CALL members don’t require a passcode.

Continuing Education Committee Annual Report 2022-2023

The Continuing Education Committee had another successful year, sponsoring four presentations during the 2022-23 CALL year. The committee tried to identify topics that would interest all of our members, whether they work for private law firms, academic institutions, or courts or government agencies.

Following a practice that began during the pandemic, all four presentations were webinars held over Zoom, with links to the recordings available here:
Continue reading Continuing Education Committee Annual Report 2022-2023

2022 Agnes and Harvey Reid Honoree: Joe Mitzenmacher

The Agnes and Harvey Reid Award for Outstanding Contribution to Law Librarianship is presented annually to librarians who have provided outstanding service to the chapter during the previous year or for contribution to law librarianship.

The 2022 Winner is Joseph Mitzenmacher.  Please learn more about Joe and help us wish her a well deserved congratulations! Continue reading 2022 Agnes and Harvey Reid Honoree: Joe Mitzenmacher

CALL Nominations and Elections Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report

Chair: Joe Mitzenmacher
Members: Eugene Giudice, Todd Ito, Julie Melvin

The Nominations and Elections Committee met virtually in August to begin the process of seeking nominations for candidates to run for the three open positions on the 2021-2022 CALL Executive Board: Director, Secretary, and Vice-President/President-Elect. Recommendations were solicited over the CALL listserv and during the announcements portion of the September business meeting and then discussed among the committee members during virtual meetings. As was the case with last year’s election, the committee was behind the schedule set forth in the CALL Elections Checklist with our call for nominees, but in the end the committee was able to set up and complete the election in a timely manner. Continue reading CALL Nominations and Elections Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report

2021-2022 Executive Board Candidates

The CALL Nominations and Elections Committee is pleased to announce the slate of candidates for the election of the Board of Directors for the 2021-2022 CALL year:

Vice President/President-Elect


       Shari Berkowitz Duff                                                  Scott Vanderlin                                Jones Day                                                      University of Chicago



         Sarah Andeen                                                          Mike McMillan                         Chapman Cutler LLP                                  McDermott Will & Emery LLP


                                          Patricia Scott

                  Carrie Port                                                               Patricia Scott              Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom           Loyola University Chicago

Thank you to committee members Eugene Giudice, Todd Ito, and Julie Melvin for their assistance in putting together the slate, and thank you to all of the members who submitted nominees.

The candidates will be introduced to the membership during the November Business Meeting today. More information about the election process and the candidates’ bios and statements will be made available soon.


CALL Grants and Chapter Awards Committee 2019-2020 Annual Report

Committee members: Joe Mitzenmacher (chair), Sally Baker, Debra Denslaw, Shari Duff, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, and Leslie Strauss.

This year’s Grants and Chapter Awards Committee was charged with selecting grant recipients based on established criteria for CALL members to attend professional meetings and selecting recipients for the chapter awards based on nominations from CALL colleagues. Continue reading CALL Grants and Chapter Awards Committee 2019-2020 Annual Report

President’s Letter

Dear CALL Colleagues:

This is my fifth and final President’s message to you (including the one bonus message from last year), because during the May CALL business meeting at Petterino’s, I passed the gavel to Jessie LeMar. We can all rest easy knowing that our association (and the gavel) will be in her capable hands for the upcoming year.

I want to take one final opportunity to thank the Board members, committee chairs, and committee members for volunteering their time to make this an eventful and productive CALL year. Here are some of the highlights from 2018-19: Continue reading President’s Letter