Nominations & Elections Committee 2022-2023 Annual Report

The Nominations and Elections Committee sought nominations for the 2023-2024 CALL Executive Board: Director, Secretary, and Vice-President/President-Elect via over the CALL listserv. The slate was announced on the CALL listserv.

Committee Chair:

  • Lindsey Carpino


  • Heidi Kuehl
  • Jessie LeMar
  • Eugene Giudice
  • Konya Moss

Voting took place  February 20, 2023 thru March 14, 2023. The committee worked with Chris Siwa from AALL Headquarters to set up the online election, and the election ran efficiently.

2023-2024 Slate

Candidates for Vice President / President-Elect:

  • Sarah Reneker Andeen
    Chief Knowledge and Research Services Officer
    Chapman and Cutler
  • Philip Johnson
    Instructional & Student Services Librarian
    UIC School of Law

Candidates for Secretary:

  • Janice Collins
    Research Specialist
    Dentons US, LLP
  • Clare Willis
    Research and Instructional Services Librarian
    Pritzker Legal Research Center,
    Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

Candidates for Director:

  • Brandy Ellis
    Research Librarian and Head of Access Services
    Kresge Law Library, University of Notre Dame
  • Lucy Robbins
    Assistant Director for Access and Technical Services
    Loyola University Chicago, School of Law Library

2023-2024 Results

The results of the election are as follows:

  • Vice President/President-Elect: Philip Johnson
  • Secretary: Clare Willis
  • Director: Lucy Robbins

Heartfelt thanks go out to Sarah Andeen, Janice Collins and Brandy Ellis for running, and for your willingness to serve on the CALL Executive Board.