Category Archives: Fall 2020

November Business Meeting – David Schwartz and Adam Pah from SCALES-OKN

November 19, 2020 Business Meeting at 12:00 p.m. via Zoom

Our November Business Meeting had 59 attendees. President Lindsey Carpino opened the meeting by welcoming new members and introducing our sponsor, Thomson Reuters. Blythe McCoy discussed the various COVID-19 and civil rights resources that Thomson Reuters has made available to researchers. She also discussed Thomson Reuter’s financial support to the city of Minneapolis and expanded opportunities for employees to volunteer in the community. Continue reading November Business Meeting – David Schwartz and Adam Pah from SCALES-OKN

September Business Meeting – Grace Pai, Director of Advancing Justice–Chicago

Our September Business Meeting was attended by about 70 CALL members. President Lindsey Carpino opened the meeting by thanking outgoing board members (Jessie LeMar, who is now Past President, Joe Mitzenmacher, and Jesse Bowman) and welcoming the board members that joined in May (Vice President/President-Elect Jamie Sommer, Treasurer Tom Keefe, and Director Mandy Lee). Lindsey noted that we’re maintaining our usual schedule as best as possible, including virtual Business Meetings, calls for grants and awards, and continuing education events. Virtual happy hours have been popular and will continue. Further, we will ramp up diversity and inclusion efforts this year. Continue reading September Business Meeting – Grace Pai, Director of Advancing Justice–Chicago

Pritzker Legal Research Center

At the Pritzker Legal Research Center (PLRC), we currently maintain a frontline onsite presence of two circulation staff per weekday. Bibliographic staff observe a similar rotating onsite schedule, and librarians provide instruction and reference support remotely. This evolved from a limited onsite circulation schedule that began in mid-June and ran through July, during which one staff member went onsite once per week to facilitate curbside loan pickup and document delivery service. We have operated at our current schedule since early August. Continue reading Pritzker Legal Research Center

Member News

Here are some of the wonderful accomplishments, contributions, and activities that our fellow CALL members have been up to:

If you have any news you want to share, either about yourself or celebrating a colleague, please reach out to the CALL Bulletin Committee.

2021-2022 Executive Board Candidates

The CALL Nominations and Elections Committee is pleased to announce the slate of candidates for the election of the Board of Directors for the 2021-2022 CALL year:

Vice President/President-Elect


       Shari Berkowitz Duff                                                  Scott Vanderlin                                Jones Day                                                      University of Chicago



         Sarah Andeen                                                          Mike McMillan                         Chapman Cutler LLP                                  McDermott Will & Emery LLP


                                          Patricia Scott

                  Carrie Port                                                               Patricia Scott              Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom           Loyola University Chicago

Thank you to committee members Eugene Giudice, Todd Ito, and Julie Melvin for their assistance in putting together the slate, and thank you to all of the members who submitted nominees.

The candidates will be introduced to the membership during the November Business Meeting today. More information about the election process and the candidates’ bios and statements will be made available soon.


CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – August 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 8:30 a.m.

Board Members Present: Lindsey Carpino, Jamie Sommer, Tom Keefe, Megan Butman, Mandy Lee, Jessie LeMar, and Philip Johnson

Board Members Absent: None

Significant Actions: None

Guests: None

Treasurer’s Report (Section IV)

  • The financial report is pending an in-person meeting at the bank to transfer account information to Tom.
  • Membership numbers to date – These are pending the collection of renewal checks and cleaning up deferred renewals, i.e. those paid for by check, in Neon.


CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – October 2020

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 8:30 a.m.

Board Members Present: Lindsey Carpino, Jamie Sommer, Tom Keefe, Megan Butman, Mandy Lee, Jessie LeMar, and Philip Johnson

Board Members Absent: None

Significant Actions: None

Guests: Clare Willis (Membership Committee), Jesse Bowman (Community Service Committee), Todd Hillmer & Debbie Ginsberg (Continuing Education Committee)

Treasurer’s Report (Section IV)

  • We have about $4,000 more in the checking account than this time last year.
  • Membership numbers to date – We currently have 152 paid members and 20 deferred members.

2020-21 Budget – Lindsey, Tom, and Jamie met in September to discuss the budget, which they based on last year’s and projections for this year. The budget was unanimously approved.

President’s Message

CALL Members,

As we gathered around the Thanksgiving table this year, whatever that “virtual table” may have looked like this year. I am sure we all thought about what we are thankful for even through this challenging year. Maybe it was food on the table, a warm home or virtual family time. I am thankful that CALL continues to be resilient in the times of change. Who would have guessed last year that we would issue a Bulletin around best pandemic practices? This issue also features our new member profile and member news section. Happy reading! Continue reading President’s Message

Special Feature: COVID 19 Library Practices

This year has been tremendously difficult for everyone, both personally and professionally. The uncertainty and severity of the pandemic led many libraries to make drastic decisions to cut services, hours, or close their doors altogether. The trajectory of the spikes in the outbreak made the factors in these decisions change day to day, sometimes hour to hour.

Yet from this all, the profession demonstrated the skills and flexibility that has become our trademark by continuing to provide services and assistance to our patrons, in conditions that were brand new. In this section of the CALL Bulletin we hear from several members and institutions about the types of experiences they had with adjusting to the new reality.

Chapman Cutler LLP Law Library

Last March, a few days before the lockdown ordered were issued, the Chicago office of Chapman found itself suddenly working from home.  We had someone in our building test positive and out of an abundance of caution, we were all instructed to work from home.  That was the last time many people have been in the office.  Our IT department has been wonderful and we already had many remote access services in place, which was helpful.  Over the course of the next few weeks all of our other offices went to a remote work environment as well.  Currently all offices are still under a work at home policy until the end of March, 2021.  People can go into the office as needed, but most people are still working from home. Continue reading Chapman Cutler LLP Law Library