Category Archives: 2015 Issues

Using Succession Planning and Knowledge Transfer to Connect the Generations

As a freelance reporter for the CALL Bulletin, I wanted to track down the most interesting and informative programs at the 2015 AALL Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. There were many excellent programs to choose from, and it should come as no surprise to the membership that CALL was well represented in the annual meeting programming.

Photo of Sally Holterhoff
Sally Holterhoff

One program in particular was a standout. Sally Holterhoff (Valparaiso University) co-coordinated the program, Using Succession Planning and Knowledge Transfer to Connect the Generations. Speakers, Deborah Rusin (Katten Muchin Rosenman, LLP), Katrina Miller (Florida State University), Steven Barkan (University of Wisconsin), and Ann Marie Dimino (Blank Rome, LLP) described their experiences in identifying challenges and opportunities as their library prepared for retirements, and loss of positions through attrition. Continue reading Using Succession Planning and Knowledge Transfer to Connect the Generations

CALL Grantee Report from Carolyn Hersch

As a recipient of CALL’s grant to the annual conference, I attended the 2015 AALL Annual Meeting & Conference in Philadelphia. Although I am not a complete conference novice, having previously attended Special Libraries Association (SLA) conferences in 2012 and 2013, this was my first time at AALL.

Continue reading CALL Grantee Report from Carolyn Hersch

Keith Ann Stiverson, AALL President

The CALL Bulletin Committee would like to congratulate Keith Ann Stiverson on her role as AALL President. [For more details, see the August 17, 2015 AALL press release and the August 14, 2015 Chicago Daily Law Bulletin at 3] Keith Ann has chosen the theme of “Make It New: Create the Future” for the 2016 Annual Meeting in Chicago. I know we are all looking forward to this conference!

Best of luck to you, Keith Ann!

2015 CALL Committee Roundup

The Committee Roundup is a new CALL Bulletin featured column where all of our committees will provide a update for us each issue to let us know what they are working on. In this issue, the committees focused on their goals for the upcoming year.

Archives Committee Goals:

Co-Chairs: Therese Arado and Annie Mentkowski
Members: Sharon Nelson

  • We continue to digitize, where appropriate, CALL materials.  In addition, we are working to preserve the website. Please continue to send the Co-Chairs all materials that need to be archived. See the CALL guidelines for more details on what should be archived

Continue reading 2015 CALL Committee Roundup

CALL Leadership Orientation 2015

CALL Leadership Begins Year with Orientation

Board members and committee chairs met on August 13, 2015, for CALL’s Leadership Orientation. It was hosted at DLA Piper. President Julie Pabarja led the orientation for 23 members to help prepare committee chairs and Board members for their roles as leaders in their committee and the greater CALL community.

Continue reading CALL Leadership Orientation 2015

What’s Buzzin’?

What’s Buzzin?, a new brown bag series designed to foster more collaborative relationships between firm, government and academic librarians debuted on September 11, 2015, at DLA Piper.  This was the first of what is sure to be many informal discussions and exchanges of ideas among CALL colleagues.  Julie Pabarja, Lindsey Carpino and Annie Mentkowski led the inaugural discussion.  And, a special “thank you” to Diana Koppang who volunteered to take notes.

Topic: What do academic law librarians teach the law students in law school? What skills do law firm and court librarians wish new attorneys learned in law school? Continue reading What’s Buzzin’?

Law Firm Librarian Current Awareness Resources

My colleagues and I have been taking turns leading our weekly Reference meetings. For my colleague, Britnee Cole’s meeting, she discussed all of the professional current awareness resources we use as law firm librarians. As we all know, we are inundated with news alerts, feeds, tweets, blogs, listservs, emails, newsletters and more. But where do we start? Many of us use news aggregators such as Manzama, Zite, FlipBoard, Feedly or Pulse to keep organized.


What are the professional current awareness resources we are using?

Continue reading Law Firm Librarian Current Awareness Resources

2015 AALL Hackathon

This year at the 2015 Annual Meeting, I attended the AALL Hackathon: Connecting Legal Information workshop. This second annual event was held on Saturday, July 18 from 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at Peirce College in Philadelphia. According to the organizers, the purpose was to “bring together those with knowledge of available resources and needs, like law librarians, with those who have the technological know-how to build mobile and web applications to use those resources and meet those needs.” Continue reading 2015 AALL Hackathon