Here are some of the wonderful accomplishments, contributions, and activities that our fellow CALL members have been up to:
- Heidi Kuehl, Director of the Northern Illinois University David C. Shapiro Law Library, received the Daniel L. Wade Outstanding Service Award from the AALL Foreign, Comparative, and International Law (FCIL) SIS.
- Julienne Grant, Reference Librarian/Foreign and International Research Specialist at Loyola University Chicago School of Law Library, received the FCIL-SIS Newsletter Article of the Year Award for “An Introduction to the Muscogee (Creek)
Nation’s Legal Heritage & Carpenter v. Murphy“ - Diana Koppang, Director of Research & Competitive Intelligence, Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP, was named to the Fastcase 50
- Margaret Lynn Kincade retired from Northwestern University Pritzker Legal Research Center on November 30.
- Clanitra Stewart Nejdl was promoted to Head of Professional Development and Research Services Librarian at the Alyne Queener Massey Law Library at Vanderbilt University.
If you have any news you want to share, either about yourself or celebrating a colleague, please reach out to the CALL Bulletin Committee.