CALL Members,
As we gathered around the Thanksgiving table this year, whatever that “virtual table” may have looked like this year. I am sure we all thought about what we are thankful for even through this challenging year. Maybe it was food on the table, a warm home or virtual family time. I am thankful that CALL continues to be resilient in the times of change. Who would have guessed last year that we would issue a Bulletin around best pandemic practices? This issue also features our new member profile and member news section. Happy reading!
We have hosted two very successful virtual business meetings with over 60 plus members in attendance in September and November. In September, we had speaker Grace Pai, the Director of Organizing at Asian Americans Advancing Justice. In November we heard from speaker David Schwartz is the Frederic P. Vose Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Research and Intellectual Life at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. Through the Community Service Committee, we have donated to the Asian Americans Advancing Justice and Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI).
The Continuing Education Committee has provided thoughtful programming on the AMPC Proposal Process and Bystander Intervention Training in partnership with the Asian Americans Advancing Justice. The Meetings Committee continues to be creative in involving members socially. On December 17, 2020, CALL is hosting a virtual trivial night. The committee will also be gathering in completely new ways, by hosting a book and movie review club. The first book we will read in January is The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George. Thank you to Jill Meyer for putting this together. I hope you will join us for these social activities!
I would like to congratulate the CALL Executive Board nominees for the 2021-2022 year. Candidates for Director: Carrie Port and Patricia Scott. Candidates for Secretary: Sarah Andeen and Mike McMillan. Candidates for Vice President/President-Elect: Shari Berkowitz Duff and Scott Vanderlin. Good luck to all of our candidates. Thank you to the Nominations & Elections committee for putting together a wonderful slate!
Are you looking to attend a virtual conference or hone your professional development skills? Consider applying for a CALL grant. You can find the Grant Application Form here.
The CALL Board would like to wish you a Happy New Year! We will “see” you in 2021.