Spring time in Chicago. Hooray! We’ve had snow and rain, and it’s been very cold, but I have seen shoots of leaves and flowers blooming, so we’re leaving behind the old and bringing in the new. Like the weather, the CALL Bulletin is changing. This is my last column as co-editor and the end of my three-year term as co-chair of the Bulletin Committee.
Another year for CALL has ended and a new Board will take over soon. It has been a great honor being your President and working with so many of you to ensure that CALL provides value to its members. Thank you for your support this past year!
CALL’s success is due to the dedication and commitment of so many of our members. I would like to thank the Executive Board members (Margaret Schilt, Todd Ito, Diana Koppang, Stephanie Crawford, Robert Martin, and Konya Moss) for their time and dedication to CALL. These 6 amazing people are true leaders and great representatives for CALL. Continue reading President’s Letter→
CALL held its November Business Meeting at Wildfire Chicago restaurant, 159 W. Erie, on November 19, 2015. President-Elect Todd Ito called the meeting to order at noon and welcomed the slate of candidates for the 2016-2017 Board as well as the new CALL members. Recently joining CALL are Trezlen Drake and John Pickett of Northwestern University’s Pritzker Legal Research Center, and Peter Kaiser of Bloomberg BNA.
CALL held its February Business Meeting at Nacional 27, 325 W. Huron Ave., on February 25, 2016. President Julie Pabarja called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. She thanked the Meeting Committee Co-Chairs, Eugene Giudice and Larissa Sullivan – who unfortunately were unable to attend the meeting. There were seventy-six registered attendees for the meeting. Continue reading February 2016 Business Meeting Round-Up→
Thank you to the 48% of our members who voted in the CALL Board election. I am happy to announce the newly elected members to the 2016-2017 CALL Executive Board. Please join me in congratulating them on their leadership roles within CALL. Continue reading CALL 2016 Elections Success (Results)→
Determined to eke out every last bit of knowledge from my library school experience, I’ve been asking my colleagues and fellow CALL members if there was anything they wished they would have learned in library school. Meanwhile, I’ve also been combing through job descriptions for clues, and reflecting on my own education and what I perceive as its gaps and its successes. Continue reading Things I Wish I’d Learned in Library School→
Newsletter of the Chicago Association of Law Libraries
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