Photo of Julie Pabarja

President’s Letter

Dear Colleagues,

Another year for CALL has ended and a new Board will take over soon. It has been a great honor being your President and working with so many of you to ensure that CALL provides value to its members. Thank you for your support this past year!

CALL’s success is due to the dedication and commitment of so many of our members. I would like to thank the Executive Board members (Margaret Schilt, Todd Ito, Diana Koppang, Stephanie Crawford, Robert Martin, and Konya Moss) for their time and dedication to CALL. These 6 amazing people are true leaders and great representatives for CALL.

Committee chairs and members help run CALL and offer opportunities for members to learn, connect with each other, and provide the information they need. I would like to thank everyone who participated on a committee this year and worked hard to meet our goals. The committees will be submitting their annual reports to highlight their accomplishments over the past year. These annual reports will be shared with the membership this summer.

I know that under Todd Ito’s leadership and the addition of new Board Members Clare Willis, Tom Gaylord, and Lindsey Carpino, CALL will continue to be the great chapter that it is.

Our profession is encountering various challenges and many of our jobs have evolved over time. It is important that CALL continues to be a resource for our members who seek solutions to these challenges. I hope that all of you will support CALL and take on an active role in some way. Todd is in the process of putting together committees which is a great way to get involved. Please reach out to him if you want more information about joining a committee.

AALL 2016

CALL is getting ready to help play host to our colleagues around the globe as they attend the AALL Annual Meeting and Conference on July 13 – 18. If you have not had a chance to attend an AALL meeting, I encourage you to get yourself there. AALL President Keith Ann Stiverson and Annual Meeting Programming Committee (AMPC) Chair June Liebert (both of them are CALL members) promise a great meeting with valuable education programs that will cover the issues that affect our profession and endless networking opportunities. Meeting colleagues from around the globe to share ideas and brainstorm solutions is what I like best about attending this conference. Plus, librarians are fun to hang out with!

CALL will be hosting a Trivia Night on Sunday, July 17 at 8:00 – 10:30 pm at Timothy O’Toole’s, 622 N. Fairbanks Ct. Start forming your teams now since competition will be fierce that night.

If you are not an AALL member, I encourage you to take the time to look into the advantages of being a member and how they can help with your professional development and career goals. They offer lots of education, leadership, and networking opportunities.

I am looking forward to this summer and the upcoming year with CALL. Thank you for an unforgettable experience.

Julie Pabarja