Tag Archives: From the Editors

Summer 2023 Letter from the Editors

First of all, I want to say how very thankful we are for Matt Timko and all he has done with the Bulletin since 2018 in his role as editor. Moving forward, Emily Barney will continue on as a “corporate memory” editor to provide tech training and access to the new team and Stacia Stein has stepped up to a new role as co-editor of the Bulletin.

For this issue, we hope you’ll take the time to review the work so many CALL members on committees and in the Executive Board were busy with in the 2022-2023 fiscal year.  Here are a few of the highlights:

AALL 2023

This summer, of course, included the AALL 2023 Annual meeting. In Mandy Lee’s inaugural President’s letter, she highlights how CALL stood out at the AALL 2023 meeting. Eugene Guidice shares his own take on the conference in his grantee report titled “It Was All About AI…..Or Was it?”

CALL Webinars & Business Meeting

If you missed any of the 4 events hosted by Continuing Education 2022-2023, be sure to check their Annual Report where they’ve shared links to the Zoom recordings and some slides from events focused on recent IL legislation, ABA policies,  and specialized legal research strategies.

Thanks to Clare Willis for her recap of the September CALL Business Meeting with Steven Schwinn and his discussion of SCOTUS trends with the administrative state and the implications of recent cases for the separation of powers.

CALL Award Profiles

While the 2023 Honorees were announced back at the May 2023 Business Meeting and shared in the Bulletin, we’re glad to include more details about each person in this issue:

More CALL Work

Of course this is just the tip of the broad ranging work done within CALL in the last year, as you can find in the 16 more articles in the Table of Contents for Issue #268, with more details from the CALL Executive Board and our standing committees.

As we reflect on all the work done in the last year and what’s to come, we’re looking forward to working with Caitlin Archer-Helke, Shannon Conder, and Rachel Ford on the Bulletin  committee.

Seeing so much great work done across all the CALL Committees makes us eager to bring in more examples throughout the year to highlight opportunities for members to connect and learn throughout our organization. With this current team, we are looking for ways to make the Bulletin editing more collaborative.

As I mentioned at the end of our last virtual CALL Business Meeting, we’d also like to help CALL members find what they’re interested here: if you have topics you’d like to learn more about from fellow CALL members, feel free to reach out to Stacia and me with “writing prompts” we can use to find and share the expertise available within our membership.

featured photo is Chicago Skyline Sunset from Promontory Point,
an older summer photo Emily took back in 2016

From the Editors

It seems fitting that the Winter issue of the CALL Bulletin is coming out now.  Punxsutawney Phil did predict six more weeks of winter. Winter might be finally upon us in Chicago. This issue is complete highlighting the amazing work CALL continues to do. From community service, DEI initiatives, welcoming new members and continuing our leadership with executive board elections. Continue reading From the Editors

From the Editors

Happy (late) Fall from the Bulletin – we have a great issue looking back at some of the great events CALL has held over the last couple months, including the first in-person Business Meeting since 2020!

We hope you enjoy the issue and continue to provide the great service and contributions that make CALL such a wonderful and vibrant organization! And as always, it isn’t too early to start thinking about contributions to the next issue of the CALL Bulletin.

Have a wonderful, healthy, and safe holiday season… and Happy New Year!

From the Editors

Summer is flying by! Relive some of the most exciting things CALL has done this summer in the Summer 2022 CALL Bulletin issue.

We kick this issue off with Scott Vanderlin’s first Presidential Letter. Then, join in the celebration with Scott Vanderlin’s recap of CALL’s 75th anniversary party at the Columbia Yacht Club. Take a trip to Wrigley Field with Diane Rodriguez, past AALL president, in Mandy Lee’s writeup. Continue reading From the Editors

Letter from the Editors

Welcome to (late) spring: warm weather (kind of), baseball (bad on both sides) and the Spring Bulletin (always great)!

In this issue we congratulate the incoming Board members, enjoy Jamie Sommer’s last message as President, and catch up on all of the great things the MLDC is doing.

As always reach out to the editors with any thoughts or concerns, and please enjoy the Spring 2022 issue of the Bulletin!

From the Editors

Happy February to everyone! Though  with how cold it is outside, “Happy February” may seem like an oxy-moron. Luckily the Bulletin is here to warm your spirits.  See and celebrate how active CALL has been during these wintery months!

President Jamie Sommer kicks off the 75th Anniversary of CALL as an organization, describing our history and previewing the yearlong celebration.  Heidi Kuehl explains why these volatile times call for Adaptive Leadership. We say hello to new CALL member Julie Tedjeske Crane who introduces herself to CALL, and take a look at the nominees for the upcoming Executive Board elections. Finally, congratulate fellow CALL members who volunteered at the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

We hope you enjoy hearing from your colleagues as much as we did, and use this time to celebrate all that CALL has done and will continue to do. But above all: STAY WARM! Take care.

From the Editors

Welcome to the Fall 2021 CALL Bulletin. As we enter what is often the busiest time of the year, we hope you have time to sit down this season and read the wonderful articles we have rounded up.

First, as always, the President’s message from current president, Jamie Sommer. Then follow the Community Service Committee and their Community Beach Cleanup organized to fight plastic pollution. Learn all about CALL Grant recipient Brittany Adams’ experience at Rare Books School (congratulate her, too.) Finally, to round it all out, we have our Board Meeting Minutes. Enjoy!

Letter from the Editors

Happy Spring (issue – in reality it is summer outside!) CALL members. We hope you’ll find time to enjoy all of the great content in this Spring issue of the CALL Bulletin!

In this issue, we take a look at the AALL Management Institute and the Special Library Association’s Competitive Intelligence Certificate course; we also congratulate the CALL Award recipients and say goodbye to longtime CALL member, leader, and friend, John Klaus.

In addition to the regular features, including celebrating CALL member accolades, we congratulate Gretchen Van Dam on her retirement, say hello to new member Natasha Crespo, and wish farewell (not really) to Lindsey Carpino on her last letter as President.

As always, please reach out to the editors with any ideas or questions, and don’t forget to send your reports to Lindsey so they can be included in the Summer Issue of the Bulletin!