The Agnes and Harvey Reid Award for Outstanding Contribution to Law Librarianship is presented annually to librarians who have provided outstanding service to the chapter during the previous year or for contribution to law librarianship.
This year the honorees are Shari Berkowitz Duff and Jesse LeMar:
Shari Berkowitz Duff
Shari has dedicated her time tirelessly to the law library community. Whether through CALL, AALL, PLLIP and now RIPS, where she was recently appointed as RIPS Secretary and Treasurer. She was also awarded the PLLIP 2022 Advocate of the Year Award for being “a strong advocate of private law librarianship and providing meaningful service to the Private Law Libraries SIS.”
In addition to being on the CALL PR committee, Shari has served on the CALL Continuing Education committee and helped to provide great professional development to all our members, as evidenced by last week’s outstanding program on state court dockets. Further, she has helped fellow CALL members numerous times with an AMPC program where she walks CALL through the AALL program submission process.
As the nomination materials for Shari aptly put it, “Shari does not have the word “no” in her vocabulary.” Whenever you need help, you can always count on Shari.
Jessie LeMar
Whether Jessie is working as a Research & Knowledge Manager at a top law firm, being on the CALL executive board or leading a committee, Jessie does this all with a smile on her face – making it look easy. Not to mention doing it all while raising little kids and even being brave enough to take them on European adventures.
Jessie is always quick to return a call or an email with her sage advice. CALL has benefited from her wisdom over the years, and we’ve relied upon her for guidance on CALL procedures and history. She is always there to lend a hand when needed.
A few years ago, Jessie worked tirelessly with Clare Willis in updating our membership procedures and directory- moving us into the digital world. As part of that process, she helped update our backend membership system from Wild Apricot to Neon, which was no small task. Jessie, thank you for this and for all that you do for CALL and for the law library community. We are all so fortunate to have you as a leader, mentor, and a friend.