Summer is flying by! Relive some of the most exciting things CALL has done this summer in the Summer 2022 CALL Bulletin issue.
We kick this issue off with Scott Vanderlin’s first Presidential Letter. Then, join in the celebration with Scott Vanderlin’s recap of CALL’s 75th anniversary party at the Columbia Yacht Club. Take a trip to Wrigley Field with Diane Rodriguez, past AALL president, in Mandy Lee’s writeup.
Honor some of our CALL Award winners in two articles: Joe Mitzenmacher, winner of the Agnes and Harvey Reid Award for Outstanding Contribution to Law Librarianship; and Emily Barney, winner of the Outstanding In-House Publication Award for her Appellate Brief Guide.
Finally, see what everyone has been up to in the 2021-2022 CALL Annual Reports: Archives Committee, Bulletin Committee, Bylaws Committee, Community Service Committee, Continuing Education Committee, Corporate Memory Committee, Government Relations Committee, Grants and Chapter Awards Committee, Meetings Committee, Membership Committee, Mentorship and Leadership Development Committee, Nominations and Elections Committee, Placement and Recruitment Committee, Public Relations Committee, Strategic Planning Committee.
We hope you enjoy this issue and what is left of Summer. Please reach out if you have any questions or ideas for the CALL Bulletin Editors!