Boston, Massachusetts is like Chicago in that, no matter how many times you visit, there is always something new to discover, something new to learn. I had the opportunity, thanks to a CALL travel grant, to learn something new by attending the Summer Institute of the Association for Collaborative Leadership (ACL) in Boston. The purpose of the ACL is to promote and support higher education partnerships through professional development, resource sharing, and program enhancement. Each summer the ACL holds The Institute on Collaboration in Higher Education. The Institute provides a unique opportunity to learn from leaders in consortia, and other collaboration-based non-profit organizations. Continue reading Summer Institute of the Association for Collaborative Leadership
Category Archives: 2015 Issues
MAALL 2015 Annual Meeting
The Mid-America Association of Law Libraries (MAALL) is having their Annual Conference October 22 – 24, 2015 in Kansas City, MO. The theme is “Everything’s Up to Date in Kansas City!” A preliminary program schedule is available. [PDF]. There is also a mobile-friendly version of the program. You can stay in touch with MAALL on Twitter: @MAALLibraries. The conference hashtag is #MAALL15.
AALL 2016 Local Arrangements Committee
CALL’s AALL 2016 Booth at AALL 2015 in Philadelphia
Many thanks to everyone who helped to promote the 2016 AALL Annual Meeting in Philly!
AALL is so excited to host the first Annual Meeting and Conference in Chicago since 1987, the year:
- The Bangles had a #1 hit with Walk Like an Egyptian
- Paul Newman won the Best Actor Oscar for The Color of Money
- Future Blackhawk Captain Jonathan Toews was just a twinkle in his mother’s eye
CALL members stepped up to promote our great city throughout the conference! Continue reading AALL 2016 Local Arrangements Committee
AALL 2015 Conference Sessions Available on AALL2go
Were you unable to attend this year’s AALL Annual Meeting & Conference in Philadelphia? No need to worry! Not only did the CALL Bulletin cover the conference through our AALL Summer Supplement, AALL has also placed session recordings on AALL2go. Best of all, these are free! You can access these here.
2015 AALL Business Skills Clinic
The AALL Business Skills Clinic was held on October 16-17, 2015 at the Hyatt Chicago Magnificent Mile located at 633 N. St. Clair Street Chicago, IL, 60611.
AALL Business Skills Clinic describes itself as:
“The AALL Business Skills Clinic will provide legal information professionals the opportunity to learn core business skills to make effective contributions within teams and the larger organization. Learn from experts in the field who will provide you with strategies to apply immediately. Collaborate with colleagues in a small group setting while gaining essential skills, tools and techniques to equip you for the road ahead.”
The following topics were covered:
- Managerial Finance
- Human Resources
- Marketing and Communications
- Performance Measures
- Negotiations
- Strategic Planning
You can find more information including speakers here.
AALL2go Pick of the Month–Surveys: When to Use Them and Why
In the webinar Surveys: When to Use Them and Why, Debbie Ginsberg, Educational Technology Librarian at Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago-Kent College of Law, shares insights and best practices regarding creating and distributing surveys. She proposes the following steps for seeing a survey through from its creation to its distribution and review: plan, draft, test edit, distribute, analyze, and report. Also helpful is her evaluation of three popular survey tools: Qualtrics, Survey Monkey, and Google Forms.
Find this and many more archived continuing education programs on AALLNET.
From the Editors
In case you missed it, this year’s AALL Annual Meeting & Conference took place in Philadelphia from July 18 – July 21. As promised, our correspondents were on location in Philadelphia to represent CALL and to report back to our members who were not able to make it to the conference this year.
This supplement to the 2015 Summer Issue of the CALL Bulletin serves to highlight Philadelphia, the conference itself, and the achievements and activities of our members on a national stage. As always, CALL was well-represented at the annual meeting, with presentations, awards, and a wealth of new friends to show for it!
Next Year’s AALL Conference – in Chicago!
It’s never too early to start planning for the next AALL conference. In case you haven’t heard (but of course you have), it’s in Chicago in 2016. We’re very excited to host the meeting in our home town! “Make it New, Create the Future” is the title: a rallying cry of Chicago leaders following the great fire of 1871 and early modernist artists (represented by the Chicago Picasso sculpture logo).
Got ideas for programs you’d like to see? A call for proposals will go out in September, which will be due sometime in October. You’ll see more information on the CALL listserv and blog.
Is there something in Chicago that visiting law librarians shouldn’t miss? Our Local Arrangements Committee, chaired by Maribel Nash and Megan Butman, are busy planning great activities for the conference and you can contact them with ideas.
After Hours at AALL
There’s nothing like relaxing at the end of a long day of committee meetings and educational programs. CALL members took full advantage of the many after hours activities at AALL, from receptions to tours to parties of all kinds. Continue reading After Hours at AALL
Miss the Annual Meeting? Try AALL2Go!
You can still catch the great programs put on at the 2015 AALL Annual Meeting by CALL members and other speakers. AALL2Go is a great resource if you weren’t able to attend (or if you were here in Philly but too busy to get to an interesting session).
Handouts and recordings are now available for most sessions. The recordings were sponsored by Thomson Reuters.
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