Apply for a Grant! Nominate a colleague for an Award!

In spring 2025, CALL’s Grants & Chapter Awards Committee will seek nominations for the following awards:

The Agnes and Harvey Reid Award for Outstanding Contribution to Law Librarianship – presented annually at the May business meeting for outstanding service to the chapter during the previous year or for contribution to law librarianship.

Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship Award – presented annually at the May business meeting for outstanding lifetime achievement in law librarianship.

Outstanding In-House Publication Award – given to an individual or group who created in-house library materials (print or online) that are user and staff oriented, are relevant for law libraries, and are outstanding in quality.

Please start thinking about CALL colleagues whom you’d like to nominate for an award! If you have any questions, please contact the current Grants & Chapter Awards Chair, Mandy Lee, at

President’s Letter

Dear Chicago Association of Law Libraries Members,

At the Chapter Presidents’ Training during the American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting and Conference in Boston this past July, our chapter stood out among chapters for our strategic plan. Not only was our plan well-thought and clearly articulated, the mere fact that we had a strategic plan was an achievement in itself. 

Special thanks to our 2020-21 Strategic Plan Committee for all of the hard work that you put into crafting our plan. It lights the way forward as we embark on the 2023-24 year, and progress toward our centennial in 2046 in order to place CALL in the best possible position, technologically and with respect to our structure. Continue reading President’s Letter

AALL Past President Diane Rodriguez visits Chicago!

On May 18, 2022, AALL President (now Immediate Past President), Diane Rodriguez, in Chicago for work, spent half a day with CALL members Scott Vanderlin, Carrie Port, Jean Wenger, and Mandy Lee. The visit included a tour Wrigley Field, led by Chicago-Kent Professor Ron Gieseke, and joined by some Chicago-Kent LL.M. students and alumni. Continue reading AALL Past President Diane Rodriguez visits Chicago!

Recap: Creating a History Program For Your Organization

On October 1, 2019, Gretchen Van Dam, CALL member and Northern District of Illinois Court Historical Association Vice President and Archivist gave a presentation on the topic, “Creating a History Program for Your Organization: Lessons Learned from the Northern District of Illinois Court Historical Association.” The event took place at the Northern District of Illinois Court History Museum on the 21st floor of the Everett McKinley Dirksen U.S.  Courthouse.

Find an overview of the tour and questions that can guide you through creating a historical organization in this recap from our CALL Mentorship & Leadership Development Committee.
Continue reading Recap: Creating a History Program For Your Organization