- Emily Barney
- Lindsey Carpino, through Winter 2023
- Matt Timko
- Stacia Stein
- Shannon Conder
- Rachel Ford
Committee Charge
The Bulletin Committee produces 4 issues of the CALL Bulletin each year. The Bulletin will contain information concerning the governance of the Association, including summary minutes of Board and business meetings as well as committee reports and other items of interest to the Membership. Issues will be published in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer.
Committee Meetings
The CALL Bulletin met in September 2022 and participated in the Inaugural Committee Summit in December 2022, but did not meet as regularly over the winter and spring .
In August 2023, Emily and Stacia met to review the CALL Handbook and the goals shared earlier in the year with the CALL Executive Board. Our goal was to review the role the Bulletin plays within CALL and evaluate how to move towards more a regular leadership rotation that includes all Bulletin committee members.
Committee Tasks
The proposed publication dates and committee content discussed earlier in 2023 were not implemented in this year with the editorial switchovers, but we have been working to connect all members of the Bulletin with CALL Committees, collect our required content, and confirm everyone has access to the publication tools and timelines to ensure they work for our entire editing team.
Since our last annual report, we’ve published Issues 265-267 and this late arriving Summer 2023 issue, is the fourth for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, #268.
To access the 2022-2023 issues, please visit the Bulletin website or find the pdf versions also published on the CALL Website.