The CALL Bulletin has published three of the four 2020-21 issues up to the writing of this report (Issues 257-259) with the Summer issue to be published in the in late August 2021. The committee included Emily Barney (co-editor), Emily Byrne (co-editor), Matt Timko (co-editor), Debbie Ginsberg and Sarah Walangitan.
Issue 258 was severely delayed due to illness (Matt Timko) and other non-CALL responsibilities for all the co-editors. This delay meant that Issue 259 was delayed by one month; the editors are confident that we will be back on track with the Summer Issue 260.
Over the last year, getting content has proven very difficult, just as it was for the previous year during the pandemic shutdowns. Even with this difficulty, the Fall Issue 257 focused primarily on how institutions had navigated these shutdowns; we heard from eight CALL institutions in the COVID 19 Library Practices feature. We introduced two new regular features: Retiring Member profiles (similar to New Member profiles) and Member News (which republishes much of the news shared by the Mentorship and Leadership Development Committee. We also introduced (in 2019) a masthead feature for the pdf versions of the Bulletin which includes the current year’s executive board, as well as all the committees and the committee chairs.
While it has been a bumpy year, the Bulletin Committee is proud of the work we have done and the quality of the Bulletin despite these challenges.
To access the 2020-2021 issues, please visit the Bulletin website or view the pdf versions through the CALL Website.