Board Members Present: Jamie Sommer, Scott Vanderlin, Sarah Andeen, Lindsey Carpino, Mandy Lee and Carrie Port
Board Members Absent: None
Guests: None
Significant Actions:
I. Call meeting to order – President Jamie Sommer called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.
II. Approve agenda – The agenda was approved.
III. Approve Secretary’s minutes – The May meeting minutes were approved.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
a. Harris Balance as of June 1, 2021 – $16,418; $20,400 in the CD
b. Membership numbers to date – In state of flux due to renewals. Would like to streamline the process of getting numbers. Some concern over how to use Neon properly and may get some training.
c. Annual Meeting Grants – Will start writing checks soon. No one has declined.
V. Old Business
a. Annual Reports – Some are still outstanding. Lindsey will send a reminder next week.
VI. New Business
a. Board transition – Update CALL website Bios. Will use photos currently on file
b. Committee Assignments – Will remain the same as prior years – with new board members taking over for outgoing. Had 20 people volunteer for committees. Some new committee chairs. Public Relations still needs help. Especially someone with web skills.
c. Business Meetings for 2021-2022
i. In Person versus virtual. At least for the first meeting probably want to remain virtual, even though things are getting back to normal. Hard to get back deposit if we backed out. Thought of doing a survey to gauge interest. Half virtual/Half in person. This year we will do September virtual and November in person. Moving forward the Nov/Feb will be virtual. We will ask for sponsorship for a Happy Hour following the September meeting.
ii. Speaker Fees – Pay for speakers for Continuing Ed events, but not Speaker Fees for Business meetings. In policy log. Can we change this? It is not a great deal for the speakers and feels like a big ask. Would expand the roster of people we could ask. Some of the professional speakers can charge up to $1,800, but having the ability to ask is the main point. Jamie will reach out to Corporate Memory and see if they know why is was added and will look at setting the budget with this in mind.
iii. Maybe doing another trivia night in July. It was well attended. Maybe doing something at the same time as the annual meeting. Maybe even go to some bar that was doing trivia or it might be better to just pay someone like we did before to have a private event. Scott is going to look into setting one up either in person or virtually. We will ask for a sponsor
VII. Committee Reports
a. Archives (Tom) – Nothing – Looking for a new committee member. All seem to be Loyola members currently because the archive is at Loyola. We can look to expand the roster.
b. Bulletin (Jamie) – Should be on track.
c. Bylaws – Nothing
d. Community Service – Nothing
e. Continuing Education (Tom) – Working on programs – maybe even some for the summer. Mandy asked if they are supposed to offer something every calendar month? No, but probably do not schedule one for July. Some perspective speakers. Maybe NAACP in August. FBI Chicago field office
f. Corporate Memory (Jamie) – Nothing
g. Government Relations (Mandy) – Nothing
h. Grants & Chapter Awards (Jessie) – Nothing
i. Meetings (Carrie) – Jill is going to be the new Chair and maybe a co-Chair would be a good idea.
j. Membership (Jessie) –Still working on renewals. Neon had some issues. Scott has not been to the post office in a while
k. Mentorship (Sarah) – No update
l. Nominations – No updates
m. Public Relations – No updates
VIII. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m.