Tag Archives: Professional Development

Grantee Report: Law Books: History &; Connoisseurship Rare Books School

This summer, thanks to a CALL grant, I was able to take Law Books: History & Connoisseurship, a course held through the Rare Book School at the University of Virginia.

The course, which was held remotely, took place from August 1-6 and was team taught by Mike Widener, recently retired from the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School, and Ryan Greenwood, of the University of Minnesota Law Library.

The curriculum covered the canon of historical law books, as well as the history of the trade in Europe, America, and Latin America. The course was framed with a view to collection development: assignments required me to think strategically about how I would like to curate a collection, and a rare bookseller was invited as a guest speaker to offer insight into the current market. Continue reading Grantee Report: Law Books: History &; Connoisseurship Rare Books School

What is Legal Technological Competency?

Several of the sessions I attended at the ABA TechShow worked to define what technological competency is in the legal field (including law schools) or how it’s approached in law firms, including “Tech Competencies: Past, Present & Future”  to “Can Technology Competency Help You Get a Job?

Other sessions in the Academic Track, “Law School Tech Training on a Shoestring” (presented by Joe Mitzenmacher and Debbie Ginsberg) and the “Technology in Law Schools: A Single Course or Curriculum Integration?”  looked at the work librarians are doing to create “legaltech” training programs for law students within the law school curriculum.

Most of all, I was encouraged to see this topic brought enthusiastic speakers and audiences from a range of backgrounds, not just law school librarians but everyone from firm hiring managers to new law students. The presentations were excellent, but so was the ongoing context provided during the Q&A, so I’ve included my live tweets here that to illustrate this broader conversation at the TechShow.

Continue reading What is Legal Technological Competency?

ABA TechShow Legal Trends

Every year the ABA TechShow provides a great way to hear about tech trends in the legal field from practitioners, entrepreneurs, trainers, and journalists.

Tech Trends can include everything from shiny new devices to evolving business models to updated regulations and laws. With these changes come many legal challenges and opportunities.

I’m always interested to hear the types of practical advice and ongoing concerns brought to the TechShow. I’ve highlighted what stood out to me at this year’s show – if you attended and want to share what you took away in the comments, that would be very welcome! Continue reading ABA TechShow Legal Trends

ABA Techshow Review

I recently attended the ABA Techshow in Chicago.  Not only was this my first Techshow, it was my first non-library specific conference as a librarian, and it provided me with a view from the other side of the legal profession, i.e. practicing as opposed to academia. Fortunately, this was also the first year the show had an official Academic Track, which consisted of five sessions over two days. During this time, I not only attended all five (and the keynote by Professor Daniel Katz from Chicago-Kent), but also several other sessions on data security, as well as spoke with many of the vendors. Continue reading ABA Techshow Review

November 2016 Business Meeting Round-Up

CALL held its second business meeting of the 2016-17 year at Rock Bottom Brewery, 1 West Grand Avenue, on November 17, 2016. There were 100 registered attendees. President Todd Ito called the meeting to order at noon and welcomed new CALL members:

  • Clare Carlson (Locke Lord)
  • Jenna Case (Latham & Watkins)
  • Edison Ellenberger (Jones Day)
  • Laurie Holmes (Locke Lord)

Continue reading November 2016 Business Meeting Round-Up

Transitions: A Life’s Journey

If there is one constant in life, it is change. We change daily,
starting with daily physiological changes (nails grow, hair grows, cells generate and die off) to personal changes (changes in relationships, changes in where we live) to changes that effect many people (political changes, economic changes). We also change professionally. We call these changes transitions. Dictionary.com defines transition as “movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change.” This definition implies a discrete time of transition. The transition has a beginning, a middle, and an end as we move from an “as is” condition to a “to be” condition. Continue reading Transitions: A Life’s Journey

Clouds, Collaboration and Casetext: A Virtual Review of the 2016 ABA TECHSHOW

The ABA TECHSHOW began 30 years ago. As the then Editor/Publisher of Legal Information Alert, I frequently covered this event for the Alert and other sources.

After a hiatus, I was pleased that I was able to secure a press pass for this year’s event which was held here in Chicago, March 16­-19 at the Hilton Chicago.

You’ve heard and read this a thousand times: the only thing that is constant in legal technology is change. And how the legal technology landscape has changed in just a few years! Instead of fax machines and databases, the buzz is all about cloud computing, security and collaboration to name just a few key topics. The schedule is still online. Go see the vast array of programs and click on the titles for more information. Continue reading Clouds, Collaboration and Casetext: A Virtual Review of the 2016 ABA TECHSHOW

May 2015 Business Meeting Round-Up

CALL held its fourth and final business meeting of the year on May 14, 2015 at Wildfire Chicago, 159 W. Erie.  One hundred and nine members registered for the meeting.

President Margaret Schilt opened the meeting by recognizing the continuing and new Executive Board members:

  • Julie Pabarja, Incoming President
  • Stephanie Crawford, Treasurer
  • Robert Martin, Director
  • Todd Ito, Vice-President and President-Elect
  • Diana Koppang, Secretary
  • Konya Lafferty, Director

Continue reading May 2015 Business Meeting Round-Up

CALL Institute Day – May 21, 2015

The CALL Continuing Education Committee hosted a successful Institute Day program on May 21, 2015 and would like to thank Thomson Reuters for agreeing to act as a sponsor. The theme of this year’s program was “Charting a Path to Management: Skills to Take Your Career to the Next Level.” The purpose of Institute Day was twofold: to identify and learn about the skills needed to further one’s career.

CALL Institute Day 2015 with Steve Hughes

To accomplish this, the Continuing Education Committee brought in speaking and presenting expert, Steve Hughes, from Hit Your Stride, to discuss ways to become more effective communicators. Continue reading CALL Institute Day – May 21, 2015