Category Archives: Bulletin

The Bulletin Committee produces 4 issues of the CALL Bulletin each year. Members serve as editor(s), advertising manager, and column editors, and participate in AALL’s Council of Chapter Newsletter Editors (CONE) group.

From the Editors

Welcome to this rather short, but very important Fall 2019 issue of the CALL Bulletin.  Inside you will find the regular business information of CALL, including a recap of the September 2019 Business Meeting as well as the complete slate of candidates for the 2020 CALL Board.

Anne Hudson, recipient of a CALL grant, reviews the 2019 AALL meeting, and with it fond memories of summer.  Additionally, Matt Timko provides musings on “maintaining” a work-life balance.

Fall is the perfect time to get cozy and comfortable with the CALL Bulletin, so enjoy!

CALL Bulletin Committee 2018-2019 Annual Report

The CALL Bulletin has published 3 of the four 2018-2019 issues up to the writing of this report (Issues 249-251) with the Summer issue (252) to be published in September 2019.  The committee for the most of the year included Emily Barney (co-editor), Clanitra Stewart Nejdl (co-editor), Matt Timko (co-editor), Emily Byrne, Annie Danberg, Debbie Ginsberg, Philip Johnson, and Sarah Reis.  On May 2, 2019 Clanitra Stewart Nejdl took a position at Vanderbilt University, leaving the third co-editor position vacant for the remainder of 2018-2019. Continue reading CALL Bulletin Committee 2018-2019 Annual Report

CALL Bulletin Committee 2017-2018 Annual Report

The 2017-18 Bulletin Committee started as co-editors Emily Barney, Juanita Harrell, and Philip Johnson and Committee members Tami Carson, Anne Danberg, Debbie Ginsberg, Jill Meyer, Clanitra Stewart Nejdl, and Matthew Timko. Our board liaison was Lindsey Carpino. Juanita transitioned to work in a non-law library in March, at which point Matthew Timko became a co-editor.

The Committee has published three issues this year, with the fourth issue set for publication within a week or so of the writing of this report. Our Summer issue contained most of the CALL Committee annual reports and a number of reports from various meetings and conferences. The Fall issue highlighted pieces on leadership and a fund read on chapter archives “on the road.” The Winter issue featured a piece by Debbie Ginsberg and recapped Lindsey Carpino, Annie Mentkowski, and Clanitra Stewart Nejdl’s presentation at the MAALL, LLAW, MICHALL, MALL and CALL Joint Annual Meeting.

After the publication of the spring issue, Philip will step aside as co-editor and will be replaced by Clanitra Stewart Nejdl.

CALL Bulletin Committee Annual Report

The 2016-17 Bulletin Committee consisted of co-editors Juanita Harrell, Philip Johnson, and Scott Vanderlin and committee members Emily Barney, Susan Berg, Tami Carson, Debbie Ginsberg, Annie Mentkowski, Stacia Stein, and Clanitra Stewart Nejdl. Our board liaison was Lindsey Carpino. After our November Business Meeting, Susan and Tami volunteered to join the committee in order to help with editing work.

Continue reading CALL Bulletin Committee Annual Report

Bulletin Committee 2016 Annual Report

The 2015-2016 CALL Bulletin Committee was Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Lindsey Carpino, and Scott Vanderlin (co-editors), EmilyBarney, Debbie Ginsberg, Juanita Harrell, Philip Johnson, Annie Mentkowski (Bulletin Historian), Jill Meyer, Clanitra Stewart Nejdl, Stacia Stein, LeighAnne Thompson, and Donna Tuke. Continue reading Bulletin Committee 2016 Annual Report

From the Editors

Spring time in Chicago. Hooray!  We’ve had snow and rain, and it’s been very cold, but I have seen shoots of leaves and flowers blooming, so we’re leaving behind the old and bringing in the new.  Like the weather, the CALL Bulletin is changing. This is my last column as co-editor and the end of my three-year term as co-chair of the Bulletin Committee.

Lyo Louis-Jacques photo
Lyonette Louis-Jacques, CALL Bulletin Co-Editor, 2013-2016

I have enjoyed shepherding our AALL award-winning newsletter to its hybrid WordPress blog and PDF formats. Since the format change with the Fall 2014 CALL Bulletin issue, we’ve had over 15,000 views, with a peak of 2,149 views in January 2016. The art in CALL libraries and Chicago International theme issues were very popular as well as our AALL in Philly supplemental  summer issue. And a project that I started with co-editor Lindsey Carpino and Bulletin Historian, Annie Mentkowski, is coming to fruition. We are going to get the CALL Bulletin content archived in and accessible via HeinOnline. Stay tuned! Continue reading From the Editors

AALL Chapter & SIS Publications

Lindsey Ann Carpino
Lindsey Ann Carpino

As a co-editor of the CALL Bulletin, I often get e-mails from the Council of Newsletter Editors (CONE) regarding AALL chapter newsletters that have recently become published. After reading the newsletters of other chapters, I began wondering if there was a list of all the chapter publications. I could not find one, so I decided to create one. I wanted to easily share with everyone the great content that our fellow chapters and AALL Special Interest Sections (SISes) are putting out for us to enjoy and learn from. It is really inspiring to share in such a wonderful and thought-provoking community! When you have some time, check out the newsletters and blogs of our peers. Enjoy! Continue reading AALL Chapter & SIS Publications

Survey Says – CALL Members Want More Technology Articles

CALL President Julie Pabarja surveyed the membership last year (June 2015).  The survey resulted in a list of topics members were interested in reading about in the CALL Bulletin.

From Debbie Ginsberg’s word cloud (see featured image above), articles on technology are of most interest to CALL members.  We are therefore re-starting the CALL BulletinTechBuzz” technology column (last published in Issue No. 225, Fall 2012). Continue reading Survey Says – CALL Members Want More Technology Articles

CALL Bulletin HeinOnline Update

We have been in contact with Dick Spinelli from HeinOnline. Mr. Spinelli has agreed that the CALL Bulletin would be a good fit for the Spinelli’s Law Library Reference Shelf.

We are hoping to get our CALL Bulletin content added to the Spinelli shelves by CALL’s 70th Anniversary in 2017. We have digitized issues back to no. 178, Fall 2000, and our archives, held at the NIU Law Library, have print issues going back to 1952.

We are currently in the process of gathering any missing issues for the archive. Specifically we are looking for the first ten issues. We plan on contacting Joyce Meyer at the AALL Archives. But, if you happen to have copies of those issues, please email Annie Mentkowski:

After all the issues are gathered, our next step is to organize them and to work with Hein to digitize them. We will be sure to keep CALL involved during this process.

Introduction to Chicago International

Photo of Matthew Timko
Matthew Timko

Chicago, for all of its local flare and idiosyncrasies, is really a city of the world, chock full of foreign influences and international customs.  Since nothing exists in a vacuum, Chicago’s international personality impacts the makeup and quality of materials and resources within the city’s law libraries.

Photo of Sharon Nelson
Sharon Nelson

In this special section, Chicago International,  guest editors Sharon Nelson and Matthew Timko have received and compiled many great articles demonstrating the rich international institutions and resources that the city has to offer law librarians and interested residents alike.

Karl Pettitt has created a city map with the locations of many ethnic heritage museums, and Jill Meyer has included a review of one such museum, the Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture.  Delving into the unique international collections within the city, Jean Wenger goes through Cook County’s foreign and international collections and services while Anne Abramson describes John Marshall’s Chinese Intellectual Property materials. Continue reading Introduction to Chicago International