Fall is officially here. It is time to cozy up with the Fall issue of the CALL Bulletin, while you enjoy your Pumpkin Spice Latte (made with real Pumpkin). This is a very exciting issue as we welcome new members to the Bulletin Committee and as regular columnists: Heather Hummons, Jill Meyer, Clanitra Stewart Nejdl, Stacia Stein, LeighAnne Thompson. Juanita Harrell will be writing a court librarian column. We also welcome Philip Johnson’s help with editing. And Annie Mentkowski as our Bulletin Historian. Thank you all for your help with our award-winning publication! We look forward to a great year. Continue reading From the Editors
Category Archives: Bulletin
The Bulletin Committee produces 4 issues of the CALL Bulletin each year. Members serve as editor(s), advertising manager, and column editors, and participate in AALL’s Council of Chapter Newsletter Editors (CONE) group.
CALL–Big Winners in Philadelphia
As most of our members know, our chapter was awarded two separate AALL Awards at this year’s annual meeting. These awards were for Best Use of Technology and Best Newsletter within the “Excellence in Marketing” category. Here we are, front and center, for all of AALL to marvel at:
Annual Reports: Bulletin Committee
The CALL Bulletin Committee had a very productive year. Our wonderful CALL volunteer committee members successfully moved the Bulletin to a new WordPress format and published four issues in a timely fashion. We found a Bulletin Historian. And we won the 2015 AALL Excellence in Marketing Award for Best Newsletter!
What Happened Here? Moving the CALL Bulletin to WordPress
The PDF Years
It wasn’t that long ago that CALL decided to upgrade the CALL Bulletin from a print publication distributed by mail to an online PDF that could be sent out in seconds using the CALL listserv. Going online saved CALL thousands in printing costs, but still required CALL to hire an outside graphic designer to help with the newsletter’s layout.
The PDF looked professional, but for modern newsletters, the PDF format can be limiting. Readers cannot link to individual articles, the organization cannot showcase videos, and individual articles are harder to find with search engines. Continue reading What Happened Here? Moving the CALL Bulletin to WordPress
Annual Reports: Bulletin Committee
The Committee published four issues of the Bulletin in 2013-2014: Fall 2013, Winter 2014, Spring 2014, and Summer 2014.
Kevin McClure, from the IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Library, and Lyonette (Lyo) Louis-Jacques, from the D’Angelo Law Library at the University of Chicago Law School, served as co- editors.
Bulletin Committee members were:
- Lindsey Carpino
- Kara Dunn (part of year)
- Judith Gaskell (part of year)
- Carolyn Hersch
- Keith Ann Stiverson
- Julie Swanson
- Michael Verderame
- Pam Zadenetz.
Clare Willis served as CALL Executive Board liaison to the Bulletin Committee.
Co-editors, Lyo and Kevin, attended the CALL Leadership Retreat on August 6, 2013. As a result of a retreat initiative, Barry Herbert started sending the Bulletin Committee notices of new CALL members. Continue reading Annual Reports: Bulletin Committee
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