The CALL Bulletin has published the four 2021-22 issues up to the writing of this report (Issues 260-263); the Summer 2022 issue will be published in August 2022. The committee included Emily Barney (co-editor), Emily Byrne (co-editor), Matt Timko (co-editor), and Kelsey Shaw.
Issue 263 was delayed due to the editors’ various schedules, but was published within three (3) weeks of deadline; all other issues were published by the deadline. The editors’ decided to work on a schedule that surrounded the quarterly business meetings, publishing the Monday before the meetings. While this allowed for the publication to be available to the membership by the meeting itself, the schedule proved to be not as convenient for different editors at different times. The editorial board continues to examine the publication schedule to factor in the needs of the membership and schedules of the editors.
While getting content since the beginning of the pandemic has proven very difficult, the editors were more on top of soliciting articles and content, making editing and publication far more manageable than in the previous two years. Unfortunately this has meant that the Bulletin has become quite formulaic with a few featured articles and committee roundups, often from the same featured authors and committees. While this has been effective, the editors will work on creating at least one topical issue during the upcoming year, potentially in the Fall.
Finally, the editors need to do a better job of including the committee members from the Bulletin. As editors, we often take the reins on gathering and editing content, leaving almost zero work for Bulletin editors. This coming year, the focus of the board will be to include all members in the process.
While it has been a bumpy year, the Bulletin Committee is proud of the work we have done and the quality of the Bulletin.
To access the 2021-2022 issues, please visit the Bulletin website or view the pdf versions through the CALL Website.