Category Archives: Winter 2019

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – January 2019

January 15, 2018

Board Members Present: Joe Mitzenmacher, Jessie Le Mar, Clare Willis, Julie Swanson, Jesse Bowman, Scott Vanderlin, Annie Mentkowski

Board Members Absent: None

Treasurer’s Report (IV):

  1. BMO Harris bank balance as of January 15, 2019: $17,782.27
  2. Net income as of December 3, 2018: $ 57.65
  3. Membership numbers as of January 15, 2019: 217

Significant Action: The Board voted to raise the membership dues to $45.  This increase will take effect at the beginning of the next renewal cycle.


President’s Letter

Dear CALL Colleagues –

While the calendar year may have just started, we are already well past the halfway point of the current CALL year. As we navigate another Chicago winter and play the “how many different types of adverse weather alerts can my phone give me?” game, CALL’s work continues.

Before we look at CALL’s present activities, it’s that time to think about our future. The 2019-20 CALL Board Election will start on February 15 and end on March 15. Kudos to Todd Ito and the members of the Nominations and Elections Committee for assembling a fantastic slate of candidates! You can view each candidate’s biography and personal statement, and be on the lookout for the announcement that voting is open.

Don’t forget that in addition to the Board election, CALL will be concurrently running a Bylaws election from February 15 through March 15. If approved, the proposed Bylaws amendments would (1) align the CALL membership categories with AALL’s membership categories by eliminating the “associate” member category (allowing those members to become full voting and office-holding members of CALL); and (2) eliminate the requirement that retired members have been active CALL members for at least 10 consecutive years. The Bylaws election will be available on the CALL Elections page of the website, so please remember to cast your vote! Continue reading President’s Letter

From the Editors

The frigid cold can’t keep the Bulletin down for long.  After a crazy couple of weeks (which are still ongoing), here is the Winter Issue (250) of the CALL Bulletin.

Inside we have wonderful articles from terrific CALL members that run the gamut from CALL history, how to spot fake news, creating dynamic exhibits, and the benefits of modern mentorships.  All CALL members will benefit tremendously from every piece and we know you’ll love reading them as much as we loved editing them.

Along with these pieces, we also have committee news and information on the upcoming CALL election which you will not want to miss.

It’s that time of year to stay inside where it’s warm with something good to read, and there’s nothing better than reading the CALL Bulletin.  Enjoy!


CALL Elections: Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws

CALL members will consider a proposal to change the existing CALL Bylaws, and vote upon these proposed amendments in the upcoming CALL Election from February 15 through March 15.

If approved, the proposed Bylaws amendments would:

(1) align the CALL membership categories with AALL’s membership categories by eliminating the “associate” member category (allowing those members to become full voting and office-holding members of CALL); and

(2) eliminate the requirement that retired members have been active CALL members for at least 10 consecutive years.

The Bylaws election will be available on the CALL Elections page of the website, so please remember to cast your vote!

Planning an Exhibit: How to Make Exhibits and Displays That Work

When I began my position just over two years ago, I was tasked with implementing an exhibit program at the Pritzker Legal Research Center. Different libraries handle exhibits in different ways. Some have an exhibit committee with an schedule looking years in advance; others simply plan for exhibits as opportunities arise.

I found myself somewhere in the middle, doing exhibits independently, rather than as part of a committee, but I would have a set schedule with ideas planned (at least somewhat) in advance.  In this piece, I highlight some of my practices for curating and presenting exhibits at the Pritzker Legal Research Center. Continue reading Planning an Exhibit: How to Make Exhibits and Displays That Work

2019 Recap: Mentoring & Leadership Development Events

The Mentorship and Leadership Development Committee (MLDC) has been busy!  Here is some of the great work already completed by the Committee:

  • MDLC launched a new page on the CALL website under Members Information – this page includes upcoming events, the mentorship form, key contacts and more.
  • The Professional Development Encouragement subcommittee (Lyonette Louis-Jacques and Sarah Andeen) is currently compiling and completing a database of CALL member publications (and forthcoming publications).  Please send any contributions you can to the subcommittee so CALL can recognize your terrific work!  You can find more information at the CALL MLDC website.
  • The subcommittee has also been busy organizing the upcoming opportunities for CALL members to take advantage of in the new  MDLC calendar.
  • Don’t forget to apply for a CALL grant.
  • A special thanks to my Committee for all of their hard work!
  • Any questions, please reach out to the MDLC Chair, Lindsey Carpino

Finally, please consider becoming a CALL mentor or mentee.  You may contact the Committee with any questions or fill out the Mentorship and Networking Interest Form.

Modern Mentorship

The Mentorship and Leadership Development Committee (MDLC) recently hosted a mentorship brown bag event at Chicago-Kent College of Law on Thursday, January 24, 2019.

With the demands of work, professional development, and our personal lives, it can be challenging to add mentorship to your task list. Because of this, we decided to invite our newer CALL members to an informal mentorship event where we could share our insights and take questions over lunch and cookies.

Mentoring New Members

This approach was successful. Our new members were able to get their questions answered and start forming bonds with some of our CALL leaders. Additionally, they now associate names with faces for the next business meeting.

Some of the questions included revolved around the best committees for new CALL members to ease into involvement, and we encouraged Bulletin writing. Also, there were questions about where to find conferences and how to apply for grants – the MDLC calendar where our members can find this information. Continue reading Modern Mentorship

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – December 2018

December 4, 2018

Board Members Present: Joe Mitzenmacher, Jessie Le Mar, Clare Willis, Julie Swanson, Jesse Bowman, Scott Vanderlin, Annie Mentkowski

Board Members Absent: None

Guests: Archives Co-chairs Matt Timko and Brittany Adams, Placement/Recruitment Co-chairs Susan Berg and Lucy Robbins, Public Relations Co-chairs Donna Tuke and Sharon Nelson

Treasurer’s Report (IV):

  1. BMO Harris bank balance as of November 30, 2018: $19,562.47
  2. Net income as of December 3, 2018: $1,177.82
  3. Membership numbers as of December 3, 2018: 216

Significant Action: None

Visual Literacy & Fake News

We’ve all heard the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Have you ever taken a moment to ask why?

If pictures affect us differently than text, how can we use the power of pictures to enhance our communication? On the other hand, how can we make sure we aren’t being manipulated?

Librarians are experts in managing information, but visual information is viewed, interpreted, accessed, and stored very differently than textual information. Still, though we may need other tools or resources to find and review images, I believe our analytical skills and frameworks are just as relevant to evaluating the value of images as information.

Continue reading Visual Literacy & Fake News