Clanitra Stewart Nejdl

  • CALL Position: Bulletin Committee, Member, 2015-2016; Grants & Chapter Awards Committee, Member, 2015-2016
  • Reference & Instructional Services Librarian and Assistant Professor at David C. Shapiro Memorial Law Library, Northern Illinois University College of Law


From the Editors

The frigid cold can’t keep the Bulletin down for long.  After a crazy couple of weeks (which are still ongoing), here is the Winter Issue (250) of the CALL Bulletin.

Inside we have wonderful articles from terrific CALL members that run the gamut from CALL history, how to spot fake news, creating dynamic exhibits, and the benefits of modern mentorships.  All CALL members will benefit tremendously from every piece and we know you’ll love reading them as much as we loved editing them.

Along with these pieces, we also have committee news and information on the upcoming CALL election which you will not want to miss.

It’s that time of year to stay inside where it’s warm with something good to read, and there’s nothing better than reading the CALL Bulletin.  Enjoy!


CALL Elections: Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws

CALL members will consider a proposal to change the existing CALL Bylaws, and vote upon these proposed amendments in the upcoming CALL Election from February 15 through March 15.

If approved, the proposed Bylaws amendments would:

(1) align the CALL membership categories with AALL’s membership categories by eliminating the “associate” member category (allowing those members to become full voting and office-holding members of CALL); and

(2) eliminate the requirement that retired members have been active CALL members for at least 10 consecutive years.

The Bylaws election will be available on the CALL Elections page of the website, so please remember to cast your vote!

Nominations to the CALL Executive Board

The CALL Bulletin is proud to announce the candidates for the 2019-2020 CALL Executive Board.  The Election for these candidates (and for the Bylaws Amendments) will be held from February 15-March 15, 2019.  Please read the candidate statements and bios by following the link below, and don’t forget to vote!

Candidates for Vice-President/President-Elect


   Lindsey Carpino                                                 Matt Timko                               Sidley Austin LLP                                Northern Illinois University

Candidates for Secretary


                Philip Johnson                                               Todd Hillmer                         The John Marshall Law School          Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP


Candidates for Director


         Sarah Andeen                                              Megan Butman                           Chapman & Cutler                                                DLA Piper

From the Editors

Dear CALL members:

As we cling to the last days of Summer and prepare ourselves for the Fall, we are reminded that the remainder of 2018 will bring much activity. Soon enough the holiday season will be upon us, and with that the requisite Winter weather. In the spirit of savoring the rest of the Summer, we bring you the Summer 2018 issue of the CALL Bulletin, the final issue for the 2017-2018 CALL year.

This issue contains several conference reviews from CALL grantees. For example, Jesse Bowman shares his experiences at CALICon18. Eugene Giudice provides a report on his time at the 2018 Special Libraries Association conference. Finally, Lyonette Louis-Jacque discusses the “Law Books: History & Connoisseurship” course she took through Yale Law School. In addition to the grantee reports, this issue contains the year-end committee reports from each of the CALL committees.

We hope that you find this issue informative and that you enjoy the rest of your Summer!

Clanitra, Emily, and Matt

CALL Archives Committee 2017-2018 Annual Report

The 2017-2018 CALL Archives Committee was comprised of Committee co-chairs Patricia Sayre-McCoy and Clanitra Stewart Nejdl, as well as Committee members Brittany Adams and Matt Timko. This year, the Committee focused its efforts on determining the best path forward for the digitization of the CALL Archives. As part of this process, the Committee provided an updated inventory of the contents of the CALL Archives to the CALL Executive Board. Additionally, the Committee considered whether there are sufficient “in-house” resources to support the digitization of the Archives or whether the assistance of a third-party company would be needed. The Committee also continued work on a plan for the possible digitization of just the photos within the CALL archives.

At the 2017 MAALL, LLAW, MichALL, MALL, and CALL Joint Annual Meeting in October 2017, the CALL Archives was represented in a panel discussion entitled “Preserving Our Histories, Telling Our Stories: What’s in Your Chapter Archives?”. During this panel discussion, Committee Co-Chair Clanitra Stewart Nejdl shared information about the history, content, and policies of the CALL Archives. Throughout the year, materials were added to the CALL Archives as they were received from CALL members.

Staying Current Together at the MAALL, LLAW, MichALL, MALL, and CALL Joint Annual Meeting

We presented on the topic of current awareness at the MAALL, LLAW, MichALL, MALL, and CALL Joint Annual Meeting on October 19, 2017. We thought it was important to offer the perspective of a firm, academic, and government librarian to reflect the needs of an audience with diverse constituencies. With the buzz around “fake news,” now more than ever it is important for librarians to discuss the best ways to disseminate information. During our presentation, we discussed the current awareness tools we use to stay current, how we stay organized with the current awareness and prevent becoming overwhelmed with information, and finally how we can collaborate and tap into our professional network to expand information possibilities. Continue reading Staying Current Together at the MAALL, LLAW, MichALL, MALL, and CALL Joint Annual Meeting

Chapter Archives on the Road

During the 2017 MAALL, LLAW, MichALL, MALL, and CALL Joint Annual Meeting, representatives from each of the five chapters came together for a panel discussion titled Preserving Our Histories, Telling Our Stories: What’s in “Your” Chapter Archives? The session provided audience members with the unique opportunity to learn about the history and the contents of each chapter’s archive, as well as the goals and challenges for the guardians of those archives. Virginia C. Thomas, incoming Chair of the MichALL Archives Committee, served as the moderator for the session as well as a panelist. The remaining panelists were MAALL President Susan Boland, LLAW Past President Beverly G. Butala, MALL President Charles Wilson, and CALL Archives co-chair Clanitra Stewart Nejdl. Continue reading Chapter Archives on the Road

Archives Committee Annual Report

At the May 2017 CALL Business meeting, CALL celebrated its 70th Anniversary. The Archives Committee assisted the anniversary committee with information about CALL and photos for display at the May meeting. In addition to supplying this information, there were also some inquiries for archival materials and an in-person visit. Continue reading Archives Committee Annual Report

AALL Annual Meeting and Conference 2015: A Newbie’s Journey

Photo of Clanitra Stewart-DB-14-web
Clanitra Stewart Nejdl

Being a novice at something can create at least some degree of apprehension. Someone who, for example, has never piloted a plane would probably be pretty nervous about his or her first takeoff. And it goes without saying that a singer’s first concert ever likely creates at least one or two beads of sweat. In my case, apprehension hit me while preparing to attend my first American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting and Conference.

Continue reading AALL Annual Meeting and Conference 2015: A Newbie’s Journey