Fall is officially here. It is time to cozy up with the Fall issue of the CALL Bulletin, while you enjoy your Pumpkin Spice Latte (made with real Pumpkin). This is a very exciting issue as we welcome new members to the Bulletin Committee and as regular columnists: Heather Hummons, Jill Meyer, Clanitra Stewart Nejdl, Stacia Stein, LeighAnne Thompson. Juanita Harrell will be writing a court librarian column. We also welcome Philip Johnson’s help with editing. And Annie Mentkowski as our Bulletin Historian. Thank you all for your help with our award-winning publication! We look forward to a great year.We have many new perspective articles in this issue, from a few of our newer CALL members. LeighAnne Thompson and Stacia Stein share their “Bootcamp” experience in starting library school at the University of Illinois’ LEEP program. Clanitra Stewart Nejdl and Simone Srinivasan describe their first time attending the AALL Annual Meeting and Conference in Philadelphia. We also get to relive the conference through our CALL grantee report by Carolyn Hersch as well as Trez Drake’s report on the 2015 AALL Hackathon meeting.
We have a new column entitled “CALL Committee Roundup” which features regular brief updates from all of our committees. In this issue, each CALL committee shares its goals for the upcoming year. This will be a great way for all of us to stay informed on our chapter’s happenings!
Lindsey Carpino shares some of the professional current awareness resources she is using as a law firm librarian. We hear about what took place at the CALL Leadership Orientation held at DLA Piper in September. Julie Pabarja also shares with us the results from the CALL survey.
We fill you in on some of the AALL and MAALL professional development opportunities being offered in the near future. Mark your calendars 🙂
We hope you enjoy this issue!