CALL President Julie Pabarja surveyed the membership last year (June 2015). The survey resulted in a list of topics members were interested in reading about in the CALL Bulletin.
From Debbie Ginsberg’s word cloud (see featured image above), articles on technology are of most interest to CALL members. We are therefore re-starting the CALL Bulletin “TechBuzz” technology column (last published in Issue No. 225, Fall 2012).
TechBuzz focuses on use of new and emerging technologies in law libraries. TechBuzz will be edited by Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, and Therese Clarke Arado. If you are interested in submitting an article for TechBuzz, starting a new technology-related column, or writing a standalone tech piece, let Bulletin co-editors, Scott Vanderlin, Juanita Harrell, or Philip Johnson know.

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