Category Archives: Fall 2019

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – September 2019

September 10, 2019 9:00 a.m.

Board Members Present: Jessie LeMar, Lindsey Carpino (phone), Joe Mitzenmacher, Julie Swanson, Jessie Bowman, Megan Butman, and Philip Johnson

Board Members Absent: None

Significant Actions: None

Guests: Meetings co-chairs Eugene Giudice and Carrie Port (phone), and Membership chair Todd Ito (phone)

Treasurer’s Report (Section IV):

  1. Harris Bank Balance as of September 9, 2019: $14,288.20
  2. Net income as of September 9, 2019: $429.27
  3. Membership numbers to date – 210. Renewals continue to come in.

President’s Letter

Dear Colleagues,

It seems like just last week we were kicking off the new year with our first meeting at Wildfire, and here we are, already lacing up our boots and digging out our mittens to head out to Ditka’s for the November Business Meeting.

Winter is officially upon us. While many of us wish for the return of sunshine and warmth, winter can be a great time to dig into those projects we tend to put aside in the frantic summer and fall months’ influx of new students and new associates.

Continue reading President’s Letter

From the Editors

Welcome to this rather short, but very important Fall 2019 issue of the CALL Bulletin.  Inside you will find the regular business information of CALL, including a recap of the September 2019 Business Meeting as well as the complete slate of candidates for the 2020 CALL Board.

Anne Hudson, recipient of a CALL grant, reviews the 2019 AALL meeting, and with it fond memories of summer.  Additionally, Matt Timko provides musings on “maintaining” a work-life balance.

Fall is the perfect time to get cozy and comfortable with the CALL Bulletin, so enjoy!

September 2019 Business Meeting with Jayne Reardon

Jayne Reardon, September 2019 CALL Business Meeting Featured SpeakerWe held our September 2019 business meeting at Wildfire with Jayne Reardon, Executive Director of the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism.

Ms. Reardon shared concerns about changes in the legal profession, both for lawyers and access to legal services. She also discussed proposed rule updates for professional conduct around fee sharing and finding clients. Continue reading September 2019 Business Meeting with Jayne Reardon

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – August 2019

August 13, 2019 9:00 a.m.

Board Members Present: Jessie LeMar, Lindsey Carpino, Joe Mitzenmacher, Julie Swanson, Jessie Bowman, Megan Butman, and Philip Johnson

Board Members Absent: None

Significant Actions: None

Guests: None

Treasurer’s Report (Section IV):

  1. Harris Bank Balance as of August 13, 2019: $13,858.93
  2. Net income as of August 13, 2019: ($289.34)
  3. Membership numbers to date – 195 (3 new). There are many outstanding renewals