Category Archives: 2018 Issues

CALL Nominations and Elections Committee Annual Report 2023-2034

The Nominations and Elections Committee sought nominations for the 2024-2025 CALL Executive Board: Director, Treasurer, and Vice-President/President-Elect via the CALL listserv. The slate was announced on the CALL listserv.

Voting took place February 26, 2024 thru March 22, 2024. The committee worked with Chris Siwa from AALL Headquarters to set up the online election, and the election ran efficiently.

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The Role of Libraries in Knowledge Management

In October, I attended the Knowledge Management (KM) in the Legal Profession presented by Ark in New York. Speakers were from a diverse range of law firms and corporate legal departments – diverse in size, geographic location, and practice focus. Attendees likewise represented a cross-section of the private legal industry. While there were many law librarians in attendance, they were outnumbered by those from I.T. departments, knowledge management attorneys, and others in high level positions within their organizations – law firms, corporations, and consulting firms.

As is the case any time you dive into the world of KM, one finds it to be a frustratingly nebulous concept which intertwines throughout an organization’s departments. With that intertwining comes the question of who should be in charge of it? Law firms and corporate legal departments have answered that question in a variety of ways. Many see this as data work and should therefore fall under I.T. Others see it as needing to be led by attorneys. Still others have housed this responsibility with the library – clearly the right place for it! Self-interest aside, the more I learn of knowledge management, the more certain I am that the responsibility and, more importantly, the strategic direction for this rapidly developing area belongs with the library.

Continue reading The Role of Libraries in Knowledge Management

President’s Letter

Dear CALL Colleagues:

The daylight hours are getting shorter, the weather is turning colder, and the tension from looming final exams is starting to creep into the atmosphere within the walls of our law schools. There’s no question that we find ourselves in the middle of the fall/winter holiday season. In this letter, I want to focus on the fall holiday that I feel exemplifies the traits of CALL members: Thanksgiving.

Continue reading President’s Letter

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – September 2018

Board Members Present: Joe Mitzenmacher, Jessie LeMar, Clare Willis, Julie Swanson, Jesse Bowman, Scott Vanderlin, and Annie Mentkowski

      Significant Actions: None

      Guests:  Tom Keefe, Julie Pabarja, and Eric Parker

      Treasurer’s Report (Section IV)

    • Harris Bank Balance as August 31, 2018: $22,574.09
    • Net Income as of August 31, 2018: $785.89
    • Membership numbers as of September 10, 2018: 287

Archives Come Back to Loyola

After 10 years at the Northern Illinois University (NIU) College of Law, the CALL archives have returned to the Chicago city limits. The archives—which include administrative records, publications, and photographs from CALL events over the years—will now return to the library at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law.

Making the round trip, the archives moved from Loyola in 2007 due to a lack of storage space.  The Archives Committee Chair at the time, Therese Clarke Arado, offered to house the archives at NIU, where they remained until September of this year.

Continue reading Archives Come Back to Loyola

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – August 2018

Board Members Present: Joe Mitzenmacher, Jessie LeMar, Clare Willis, Julie Swanson, Jesse Bowman, and Annie Mentkowski

     Board Members Absent: Scott Vanderlin

     Significant Actions: None

     Guests:  None

     Treasurer’s Report (Section IV)

    • Harris Bank Balance as July 31, 2018: $22,741.82
    • Net Income as of July 31, 2018: $2,354.46
    • Membership numbers as of August 13, 2018: 302

September 2018 Business Meeting

CALL held its September Business Meeting on September 20th at Wildfire. Eighty-six members attended the meeting. We welcomed several new members: Molly Caballero from Locke Lord, Michael Hensler from Kirkland & Ellis, Anne Hudson from DePaul University College of Law, and Mary Ellen Murphy from the American Dental Association.


The sponsor of the meeting was Deal Point Data. Tom Quinn spoke on behalf of the company. Mr. Quinn said that the company’s purpose is to help corporate research. He discussed a tool to search and monitor charters and bylaws. Quinn emphasized that Deal Point Data is a small company and it does all of its research, product development, and customer support in the United States.

Continue reading September 2018 Business Meeting

What Will Be Your Legacy?

Last week one of the Bulletin’s co-editors asked if I’d be interested in writing an article for the upcoming issue. I jokingly responded the only thing I could think of off the top of my head was my ongoing retirement planning (which, if you don’t know me, will hopefully involve lots of travel).

Barring any emergencies, I still have several years to go before I intend to retire. But a recent visit to a financial planner has gotten me thinking a lot about “what comes after work.” And it turns out that my offhand quip contained a nugget that could be worthy an article, namely:

Continue reading What Will Be Your Legacy?

From the Editors

Dear CALL members:

As we cling to the last days of Summer and prepare ourselves for the Fall, we are reminded that the remainder of 2018 will bring much activity. Soon enough the holiday season will be upon us, and with that the requisite Winter weather. In the spirit of savoring the rest of the Summer, we bring you the Summer 2018 issue of the CALL Bulletin, the final issue for the 2017-2018 CALL year.

This issue contains several conference reviews from CALL grantees. For example, Jesse Bowman shares his experiences at CALICon18. Eugene Giudice provides a report on his time at the 2018 Special Libraries Association conference. Finally, Lyonette Louis-Jacque discusses the “Law Books: History & Connoisseurship” course she took through Yale Law School. In addition to the grantee reports, this issue contains the year-end committee reports from each of the CALL committees.

We hope that you find this issue informative and that you enjoy the rest of your Summer!

Clanitra, Emily, and Matt