After 10 years at the Northern Illinois University (NIU) College of Law, the CALL archives have returned to the Chicago city limits. The archives—which include administrative records, publications, and photographs from CALL events over the years—will now return to the library at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law.
Making the round trip, the archives moved from Loyola in 2007 due to a lack of storage space. The Archives Committee Chair at the time, Therese Clarke Arado, offered to house the archives at NIU, where they remained until September of this year.
The impetus for the move from NIU was threefold. First, the move makes the archives far more accessible to the majority of CALL members, who now have only to travel to Loyola’s Water Tower Campus to view them. Secondly, the Archives Committee, at the direction of the Executive Board, will begin the process of digitizing the CALL Archives within the next 15 months. Having the archives located in a centralized Chicago location should make this process far easier. Finally, having the archives back in Chicago will ensure that all physical items to be archived will more timely be added to the collection.
Clanitra Stewart Nejdl and Matt Timko from NIU prepared and packed the CALL materials for transfer, and Matt Timko (co-chair of the Archives Committee) completed the transfer after the September 20 Business Meeting. Major thanks to Clanitra for doing the lion’s share of the packing!
The Archives Committee hopes that members of CALL will now take advantage of the closer proximity to explore and evaluate the archives, and to provide feedback or materials to be added to the archives.
For any questions about the move, please contact the co-chairs of the Committee, Brittany Nichole Adams (Northwestern) or Matt Timko (NIU).