Category Archives: Spring 2015

Issue 235

President’s Letter

Dear CALL members,

I am hoping it is finally safe to call it spring!  The sun is shining as I write this and the temperature is in the 50’s.

CALL members have triumphed over the winter weather, maintaining an impressive level of activity.  The February business meeting featured a sobering and fascinating presentation by David Mendelsohn, Managing Partner of the Chicago Office for DLA Piper and a partner in the Financial Services group, on “The Future of Law Firms from a Managing Partner’s Perspective.”  If you weren’t able to attend, don’t miss Clare Willis’s roundup of the meeting in this issue of the CALL Bulletin.

Continue reading President’s Letter

From the Editors

Lindsey Ann Carpino
Lindsey Ann Carpino

Welcome to the Spring Issue of the CALL Bulletin, which we are finally able to type with a straight face, thanks to the rapidly-improving weather! We would first like to congratulate Todd Ito, Diana Koppang and Konya Lafferty–the newly-elected CALL Board members for the 2015-2016 term. We have a very exciting and colorful Spring issue of the Bulletin, featuring works of art from CALL libraries. Thank you to those who were able to share these pieces with us.

Continue reading From the Editors

February 2015 Business Meeting Round-Up

CALL held its third Business Meeting of the year at Morton’s Steakhouse, 65 E. Wacker Place, on February 26, 2015.  President Margaret Schilt called the meeting to order at noon and praised the Meetings Committee for finding a great new venue.  Margaret welcomed one new CALL member, Peter Kaiser from Bloomberg BNA. Continue reading February 2015 Business Meeting Round-Up

CALL 2015 Election Success


The CALL election results are in!  JoAnn Hounshell, Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee, reports:

With 48% of eligible voters voting, the winners are:

Vice-President/President-Elect: Todd Ito

Todd Ito
Todd Ito

Secretary: Diana Koppang

Diana Koppang
Diana Koppang

Director: Konya Lafferty

Konya Lafferty
Konya Lafferty

Congratulations to the newly elected members of the Board!  And our thanks also to the other candidates – Joe Mitzenmacher, Eugene Giudice, and Kara Young – who were willing to serve CALL in these capacities.  On behalf of the Board, thank you for running, and we hope to see you on the ballot again in the future.

Art Adds to Atmosphere in Valparaiso University Law Library

It’s been said that the practice of law is an art. Students at Valparaiso University School of Law may or may not agree with that view of their future profession. But we recently confirmed that they do notice and appreciate works of art on display on the walls of our law library.

Continue reading Art Adds to Atmosphere in Valparaiso University Law Library

Artwork Celebrating CALL’s 50th Anniversary

Artwork from Holland & Knight, LLP

CALL 50th Anniversary Banner

This banner celebrating CALL’s 50th Anniversary (1947 – 1997) is on display in the library at Holland & Knight LLP. Elizabeth Robertson, a former Human Resources Manager at Holland & Knight, bid on and won this piece at the City of Chicago banner auction. The city banner auction features banners that were once displayed on streets around the city.

Thank you, Carolyn Hosticka, Library Manager at Holland & Knight, for sharing this artwork with us!