Committee members included Sarah Andeen and Mandy Lee (co-chairs), Sally Baker, Cary Hall, Sally Holterhoff, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Jamie Sommer.
Over the course of the 2019-2020 year, the Mentorship & Leadership Development Committee spearheaded a range of endeavors intended to support the professional development and goals of Chicago Association of Law Libraries (CALL) members. Our initiatives this year:
– Greeted and sat with new members at CALL business meetings
– Co-Chairs Met with CALL Board on November 12, 2019
– Mentored new, continuing, and prospective law librarians
– Helped the Government Relations Committee to find authors/editors for their update of Finding Illinois Law
– Matched authors with reviewers
– Added a Careers in Law Librarianship page to the CALL website and a tab to the dropdown menu (Thank you to the Membership Committee & Debbie Ginsberg)
– Encouraged new members to apply for CALL grants
– Promoted events on social media
– Promoted A Day in the Life program to Library and Information Science schools’ career services (Thank you to the Membership Committee)
– Informational and Networking Events
Event 1
Title: “Creating a History Program for Your Organization: Lessons Learned from the Northern
District of Illinois Court Historical Association”
Date & Time: October 1, 2019 at 3:30 PM
Location: Northern District of Illinois Court History Museum on the 21st floor of the Everett
McKinley Dirksen U.S. Courthouse
Speaker: Gretchen van Dam
Description: Presentation, Tour, & Networking
Co-sponsored by the Mentorship & Leadership Development Committee, the Continuing
Education Committee, and the Government Relations Committee.
Gretchen Van Dam, CALL member and Northern District of Illinois Court Historical Association
Vice President and Archivist, gave a presentation entitled, “Creating a History Program for Your
Organization: Lessons Learned from the Northern District of Illinois Court Historical
Association.” Afterwards, she and a colleague led participants on a tour of the Northern District
of Illinois Court History Museum. The event also provided to attendees the opportunity to
network informally.
Event 2
Title: “A Day in the Life of a Law Librarian” panel discussion
Date & Time: March 5, 2020 at 12 PM
Location: Chapman & Cutler
Panelists: Sarah Andeen, Sean Rebstock, Pat Sayre-McCoy, Sarah Sherman Walangitan, and Jean Wenger
Moderator: Mandy Lee
Description: Panel Discussion, Networking, & Lunch
The panel featured CALL members from academic, public, and private law libraries who shared insights into different aspects of librarianship from technical services to reference. Approximately 30 people participated in-person and 3 people attended via WebEx. CALL provided lunch and Chapman & Cutler, as host, provided drinks, snacks, and supplies.
Following the panel discussion and lunch, the networking portion offered to attendees the
opportunity to meet and discuss law librarianship informally. Subsequently, the committee received a completed mentor request form; the individual was matched with a mentor. The Committee thanks all of its members and fellow CALL committees for their hard work!