CALL Strategic Planning Committee 2021-2022 Annual Report

The 2021-2022 Special Committee members were Julie Pabarja, Matt Timko, Clanitra S. Nejdl, Jessie LeMar, Jean M. Wenger (chair), and Carrie Port (Board Liaison). 

 The Special Committee worked with the CALL Executive Board to revise and update CALL’s Strategic Plan to incorporate the Direction: Policy Implementation and Structural Review, with goals focused on diversity and inclusion. The Committee also reviewed and revised the suggested target dates for the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan. 

 Several agenda items submitted to the Executive Board included the discussion of the Strategic Plan and its progress at Board meetings and the creation of an assessment mechanism to track progress on the completion of goals and strategies. Another recommendation addressed regular communication about the Strategic Plan with the membership. 

 The Committee wishes to thank Carrie Port for her guidance and assistance as the board liaison. The chair expresses her appreciation to the Committee for their dedication and service.