Category Archives: 2025 Issues

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – October 2024


Tuesday, October 8, 2024
9:00 a.m. Central

Board members present: Philip Johnson, Jill Meyer, Clare Willis, Mandy Lee, Mike McMillan, Lucy Robbins

Board members absent: Emily Byrne

Guests: Susan Berg and Keith Klein, co-chairs of Meetings. Caitlin Archer-Helke and Stacia Stein, co-editors of the Bulletin.

Treasurer’s report (Section IV):
1. Checking account balance as of September 30, 2024: $13,529.82
2. Membership numbers as of September 30, 2024: 193 (2 new)

Significant Actions: None.

Continuing Education Program: Demystifying Leadership and Volunteering in CALL.

On Wednesday, November 20, the Mentorship and Career Development Committee hosted an online panel entitled Demystifying Leadership and Volunteering in CALL. This Continuing Education Program sought to inspire members to step into leadership roles within the organization and offered practical advice for navigating CALL’s opportunities.

Panelists featured CALL members with a variety of leadership experience within the organization:

Continue reading Continuing Education Program: Demystifying Leadership and Volunteering in CALL.

New and Improved Web Accessibility Tools

In the last issue, we tackled the question of why we should think about web accessibility, but this time, let’s consider what can be done and how. As librarians, we all want to make our websites and digital communication accessible, but it’s not always clear how we can tell what is already accessible or what to do when it’s not. That’s where web accessibility tools come in.

In line with this issue’s focus, below you’ll find a few new or recently improved tools for investigating and resolving common web accessibility problems. Each one is freely available and doesn’t require installation or significant background knowledge to get started. Some of these tools have been around for a while, but hopefully one or two will be new to you—and helpful too!

Continue reading New and Improved Web Accessibility Tools

Government Relations Bringing Librarians Together

The Government Relations Committee is moving forward with plans to bring a webinar on advocacy and other issues facing our colleagues in public libraries, including ways in which law librarians can help advocate for public libraries and librarians.

Continue reading Government Relations Bringing Librarians Together

Call for CALL Executive Board Nominations

The CALL Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking nominations for the following Executive Board positions:

  • Vice-President/President-Elect (three-year term)
  • Secretary (two-year term)
  • Director (two-year term)

Please send nominations directly to Scott Vanderlin by the end of the day Friday, January 31st.

Continue reading Call for CALL Executive Board Nominations

Decorating with Discards: The Case of the Rolled Pages

A book with folded and rolled pages that looks a little like a seashell
An outdated deskbook in Caitlin’s office

If you’ve ever worked with print materials, the chances are quite good that you’ve also found yourself surrounded by discards. The old, the out-of-date, the so-old-it’s-obsolete, the battered into uselessness: most of them will be destined for the circular file, unless someone has the energy to slide away the binding and recycle the loosened pages. Legal deskbooks and their kin outdate even faster than science books, with which I have also worked; they leave us with a lot of books ready to go out…and also a lot of books to use, if we feel like it, for impromptu art projects.

Continue reading Decorating with Discards: The Case of the Rolled Pages

November 2024 Business Meeting – Damien Riehl

CALL held its November Business Meeting on November 14, 2024 on Zoom.  President Philip Johnson welcomed the attendees and thanked Lexis for sponsoring our door prize.  Vice-President Jill Meyer introduced our speaker, Damien Riehl from vLex.  Damien is a lawyer and technologist with experience in complex litigation, digital forensics, and software development.  At vLex Group — which includes Fastcase, NextChapter, and Docket Alarm — Damien helps lead the design, development, and expansion of various products, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) to improve legal workflows.

Continue reading November 2024 Business Meeting – Damien Riehl

CALL Goes to the Friendship Center

5 CALL members in front of a brightly colored mural

Five CALL members volunteered at The Friendship Center on Nov. 2. The Friendship Center is a full-choice food pantry serving neighborhoods on the northwest side of Chicago. The Center also provides dog and cat food, as well as other pet supplies.

CALL volunteers sorted donations to stock the pantry and helped prepare for The Friendship Center’s pet food pantry next week. The total amount of food added up to 1,440 meals.

Thank you to all CALL members who donated their time.

September 2024 Business Meeting Recap

The CALL September Business Meeting was held on Wednesday September 25, 2024 at Maggiano’s Little Italy. There were 62 registered attendees. The scheduled speaker had to cancel at the last minute, so President Philip Johnson and Secretary Clare Willis presented on recent updates to the CALL website. This also left additional time for networking, which was much appreciated by the attendees. Gabrielle Lewis and Michael Gattis won the door prize presented by LexisNexis.

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes – September 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
9:00 a.m. Central

Board members present: Philip Johnson, Jill Meyer, Clare Willis, Emily Byrne, Mandy Lee, Mike McMillan

Board members absent: Lucy Robbins

Guests: none

Treasurer’s report (Section IV):
1. Checking account balance as of August 31, 2024: $16,365.64
2. Membership numbers as of September 9, 2024: 191 (5 new)

Significant Actions: None.